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Old 08-25-2022, 02:33 AM   #100
Simfile Judge
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Default Re: Dump Batch Discussion Thread

The line between what's a dump and what's not a dump is blurry at the moment, I think cases where the dump sections make sense both musically and intensity-wise are perfectly fine. A dump file should in my mind still adhere to the rules that normal files do; sync, chart structure and layering remain facets that charts will be judged on.

Shindeiru in my opinion is one of the best dumps we currently have in the game, it has a very clear structure and all the sounds are consistently stepped. Yes, the use of bursts for wub sounds can be considered an exaggeration, but in my mind it's the same thing as stepping every single background noise in HFF or RATO or going crazy with chordjacks and heavy JS.

FFR is changing, the quality of dumps has changed. High quality dump files like the Sharpnel JS files or some of the wub-dumps like vantablack, shindeiru and rainshower all have a place in current FFR and the reception has been mostly positive.
I definitely raised an eyebrow when I saw the ''dump batch'' pop up. I've had trepidations around the image of FFR and how this will affect it, about how FFR would lose its niche as a place for accurately stepped technical charts and I think people's concerns are valid. However, I think FFR's biggest niche is having a tight-knit community and an engine full of songs that are easily recognized without the need to download a bunch of packs.

Lastly, the current judge team's ability to judge dumps remains to be seen. Since our team consists of mostly new judges the road has been a bit bumpy at times, but I think we're improving at a rapid rate. I've personally become alot more open-minded and alot better at figuring out people's intend when making stuff than I was before and I think I'm ready to assess dump files at this point.

Last edited by M0nkeyz; 08-25-2022 at 02:43 AM..
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