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Old 08-22-2022, 10:50 PM   #68
Dump Judge
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Default Re: Dump Batch Discussion Thread

If he reads April’s posts there’s nothing much else to say on the matter.

It does raise an interesting question, though, and one that FFR might actually consider thinking about: Are what FFR is looking for ACTUALLY considered “dump” charts or does a new term need to be made for it? Rebranding for the appeasement of all the klim’s out there.

From a historical standpoint at least, dump charts were light-hearted, inherently limitless, creative, surprising, misrepresentational, and in some cases literal mockeries. As someone who has probably seen this trend change in front of their eyes more than anyone else (in part BECAUSE of myself and Mina) I would like to assert that what FFR is looking for is more like the aforementioned charters April mentioned—people who follow music based rules that are more so dictated by vocal intensity, instrumental pacing, and pattern identity and less about PR and layering (this still plays a part obviously) These charts are very different than something that myself or Mina or someone who enjoys more of the first quality of “dumps” would chart, though we certainly bridged the gap.

Being one of the two minty pack judges, which again really helped to popularize this newer way of “dumping” more than any other pack series, I can tell you I’ve judged my fair share of these kinds of files. They are great for scoring, great for the feeling of “wow I’m playing this song and it’s actually fun and challenging” but there is certainly nothing all that surprising, limitless, joking or any of the other “dump” qualities about them. Not to discredit these charters at all, some are literally my favorite charters, but once FFR brought up that they were including “dumps” I knew it was these kinds of charts they wanted. There is nothing remotely “dumpy” about these files. Most of them require an extremely vast knowledge of patterning, structure, and alternate forms of representation than traditional charting. Mina and I popularized the term technical dumping because there was nothing much else to say at the time. I think we’ve gotten past the point of calling these creations “dumps” and that’s coming from a dump charter.

Call it something else.

Last edited by loftyb; 08-22-2022 at 10:58 PM..
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