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Old 06-29-2022, 05:56 AM   #1459
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Default Re: Recommend me some 2022 albums +1000th album halp

Day 979: Remember Rainbow Bridge by Croatian Amor

I almost never get to review trance music it seems like. This is probably more ambient than trance but whatever, DDR boomer represent! Well, actually, this isn't all that Bemani-like at all, but I've met more than enough snobs that hate every genre that isn't minimal-ass techno, minimal-ass deep house or anything that's nothing more than a 4/4 drum beat and, occasionally, the faintest synth line so anything with some semblance of variety is good in my book (although these people tend to make an exception for dubstep, but tell them you like breakcore or gabber and up those noses go, and I ain't talking bout white girl). This city needs more variety than minimalist genres and the occasional D&B.

"Objectively speaking" hahahaha fuck you there is no "objectively good" music and if that's what you believe you deserve chemical castration followed by physical castration.

When this leads more to the danceable side of things, I enjoyed it more. The more abstract pieces are nice, but don't do nearly as much for me. I wanna see this guy live now, prayers he ever decides to come to NYC.

Best Track: Paper Birds
Rating: 7.7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

Hey, we need some users on this site. Please join.

And if you have not recommended any albums yet, do so. Please. I have a goal to reach. Here.
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