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Old 06-25-2022, 04:56 AM   #1454
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Default Re: Recommend me some 2022 albums halp

I'm bumping that last one to a 7.5 because of how much I've been repeat listening to it and how much the lyrics keep hitting me, even if I don't love all of it.

Day 975: the newest Guerilla Toss album

I'll forever be glad I got to see them live on their Eraser Stargazer tour, the final album where they were weird, wild and noisy and not doing this far more accessible space age Devo/Talking Heads jam they've been doing ever since then.

That description of late period GToss, if I have to say anything, fits the least ever on this newest album, and I think taking a 4 year break from dropping a new full album was a good move on their part. This is the most polished thing they've ever released and the most tuneful, and the production is noticeably higher quality and more big-budget than anything they've done before. And if you're making psychedelic POP music, that's likely to be a benefit, especially a band that relies on electronic sounds as much as this one.

Something that I suppose caused me to sour over time on the last two albums from this band were the fact that they still seemed to be posturing as weird and daring when their music could be summed up as "sounding like The B-52s" (not my description hence the quotation marks). For the record, I love Love Shack and Rock Lobster but if I want that sound I have that band for that. This album is a full embrace of the fact that this is now, effectively, a pop band, and I think it's the strongest thing they've done in years as a result.

I still am not in love with this, probably a third of this album annoys me or otherwise leaves no real impression, but I'm coming to terms with the fact that they're never going to make Gay Disco 2.

Best Track: sug
Rating: 6.73771324/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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