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Old 08-16-2021, 03:56 PM   #7
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Default Re: How is your night so far? B)

Originally Posted by XelNya View Post
I suspect targeted, but there's probably not a way to prove it. The reason that I suspect it was targeted is a domestic issue me and a neighbor called the cops over not too long ago (I actually hid in the neighbor's apartment while this was going down) and the guy lives in the building right next door, he knows me as we've talked more than once, and he's seen me walk to my car before, and I finally saw him return like a day or two ago.

Also you know, why the windshield and not one of my side windows, you'd wanna steal something out of my car, not that you'd find anything I keep my valuables outta there. I don't even keep change in my car for fuck's sake. Looks like someone swung a bat twice at it. I'd think it was rocks & kids but the glass is dented pretty deep in a circle so. You know.

Mostly speculation from me, and it's totally biased here.

It's more inconvenient than anything. Sorry to kinda crap on your thread, but it was a nice place to vent this morning, so thanks for that, and the condolences. Luckily I don't miss more than a day of work, as I can just drive my girlfriend's car while I wait for mine to be fixed. (She works from home luckily.)

Two weeks and like, 500 bucks later, but you know. (Wanna clarify: I can afford it without much issue, it really is just like, I feel a bit less safe and inconvenienced. More worried about if something happens to my partner than I am someone breaking my stuff at the end of the day.)
You're all good, this is perfect for the tread, I'm happy you vented, because your problems aren't irrelevant. Glad everything is well.
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