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Old 08-16-2021, 10:49 AM   #26
The Dominator
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Default Re: do you ever just play rhythm games in public

Here's how my messed up brain works:

Doing anything in public means you're putting on a performance. You're putting yourself out there to be judged by an audience. It's for this reason that I usually avoid playing in front of people, unless I feel it's the right audience or occasion.

I'm imagining a viral video of a man sitting at a piano in a busy mall struggling through chopsticks or something and people are pointing and giggling at him... and then without warning.... *DUN* he bangs out the opening chord to Chopin's Revolutionary Etude, and as his left hand dances down the keys the giggles quickly turn into gasps. Before long a crowd has gathered, cell phones are out and recording the event. Then just as the final notes ring out the man's smile lights up triumphantly and the whole crowd erupts into raucous applause!!

Man would I love to be alive for something similar to happen with a rhythm gamer...I think we're a long ways off there lol

Another example: talent show, there's varying levels of success here I'd say, which is impressive for a video game imo

Try substituting other video games in place of rhythm games for this. Are there any other games that people would find more entertaining to watch at a high level than a rhythm game? The only one that comes to mind for me is Tetris.

Last edited by Dynam0; 08-16-2021 at 10:51 AM..
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