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Old 06-29-2021, 12:27 PM   #1287
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Default Re: Recommend me some 2019 albums halp

Day 849: Memoryland by CFCF

Originally Posted by rayword45 View Post
Day 615: Liquid Colors by CFCF (Album Choice: noname219)

This seems to keep the same tempo throughout the entire album. The whole thing flows incredibly well track-to-track and in a way, it's resultantly extremely same-y yet in spite of that, I found myself mesmerized throughout the entire album even upon multiple consecutive listens. The atmosphere is basically "commercialized future" in a way similar to vaporwave except this clearly has more thought put into each individual track and doesn't rely so heavily on samples. The mostly seamless playback basically morphs this whole thing into one big piece, aided heavily by the similar melodies and tempos, and it's about the perfect length for what it's trying to achieve.

Definitely enjoying this a lot right now, although it could be my stressed out, overworked state of mind resulting in bias due to how well this works as study music. Will definitely revisit to see how it holds up before the end of the year, although I probably won't tell y'all.

Best Track: Translucently Happy
Rating: 8/10
Well I relistened to that before listening to this newer one twice, and boy is it different. This is basically just pure nostalgia bait... but I gotta say that I love it. When I saw it was 70 minutes I wanted to cry but there was enough variance and the longer tracks rarely overstayed their welcome SOMEHOW while the short tracks didn't feel like filler. The variance of feels from Daft Punk-esque throwbacks to breakbeats to indie rock type stuff all worked here for me. This is what the new Sweet Trip album wishes it was.

I'm gonna be real generous here, and that's not solely because somehow it got me to enjoy hearing the disembodied voice from Kero Kero Bonito. Actually, this gave me a similar emotional reaction to that DJ Metatron release from last year.

Best Track: End—Curve of Forgetting
Rating: 9/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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