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Old 06-14-2021, 11:59 AM   #61
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Default Re: 14th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 View Post
*cough* uh I literally just said that I don't use said system so.....
It is cheating and it's literally against our rules for you to do what you're saying you're going to. You'd end up bumped up in the tournament, or removed from it entirely. You do realize that there's going to be people at the bottom of a division no matter what right? It's a competition, we probably shouldn't have divisions and it just be a battle of the best of a best like most games. I can't believe I literally have to say this every year. We're one of the only games that gives an opportunity for people of all skill levels to have a chance.

Then this isn't the tournament for you. This is our major tournament for the year. We're strict on our rules for it. You can unlock any of the event tokens in any other event run on the site. The only things you cannot get are the V0 token and the tokens for D7/D8.

I've been the scraped barely into D5 person for like idk how many years now. I couldn't compete at my peak and I surely cannot compete now as my skill has dropped to a D3 level. It sucks, but I also know this is a competition and is meant to be as such.

tldr: This is a TOURNAMENT, it's not meant to be easy. If you want to win prizes you need to fight for them. I'll also warn you now because you are fully aware of it being cheating if you're caught doing so still the punishment will likely be more severe then a bump up in the tournament or just removal.
Just withdraw me from the tournament please. Im not interested in competing anymore.
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