Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 09-26-2020, 12:51 PM   #467
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Default Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by radioamor View Post
I was really hoping your contrition earlier in this thread was legitimate. I wasn't expecting your views to fully turn around right away, but I like to see personal growth in others and it is a bit of a shame that you have instead opted to further entrench yourself in unwavering skepticism of the current widely accepted models simply because they are widely accepted.
I hope you understand, in some capacity, that militant skepticism like this is equally as thoughtless as blind acceptance of what people in power tell you. You are not a critical thinker for not wearing a mask or believing that the virus was made in a lab. You are not subverting the nefarious machinations of the "new world order" by calling people "fucking pussies" in this thread for being wary of a virus that has killed nearly one million people worldwide in eight months (mostly during the past six). Your ideological standards are simple, one-dimensional, and shallow. "Whatever the opposite of what everyone else is saying" is a game for children, not a philosophy.
People in this thread have worked very hard to present to you facts from legitimate sources; individuals who are qualified to discuss the virus. Your responses have slid very far off the deep end, which gives me hope that you're just fucking with us and having a big laugh about it. I guess we've just assessed the opportunity costs here and have figured that being the object of your ridicule is a better alternative than you willingly (happily, actually) endangering those around you.
yet another post that will be lost on smooth brain skr8 lad
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