Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 09-25-2020, 10:11 AM   #406
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Default Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by SK8R43 View Post
Theres no such thing as herd immunity...a vaccine wont change a thing LOL
we have had a vaccine for the flu for how long now? 80 years. People get one every year and yet its still around and tens of thousands die a year.
There is no way to stop it, the best we can do is prolong it which wont really do anything to save people. Besides, a vaccine takes 6-10 YEARS to develop. You guys really trust one thats only taken 6 month to come up with, and test...and expect it to actually work? No

Everyone is going to get it eventually, but 99% of people will easily survive it. They will eventually get it again, and fight it off again. ETC

We are literally in a New World Order and nobody can see this for some reason. There is no going back to the old ways. This is the new way of life, sadly.
Originally Posted by SK8R43 View Post
That post had absolutely nothing to do with my last post...lmao

How does me wearing a mask have anything to do with vaccine talk?

It was on the news that 30% of people who were asked about a vaccine said they wouldnt get one, even if it was free. How will they help if EVERYONE doesnt get one? Do you even have any idea how terrible they are for your body and whats in them!??! Ive never gotten one, not even for the flu and i literally dont get sick. I know thats not true for everyone but a vaccine wont change anything.

This + blaming the Jews for the "New World Order" = a slight variation of how everyone is interpreting your moronic horseshit. Are you Afrobean with dementia or something?
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

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