Thread: Coronavirus
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Old 09-24-2020, 08:12 AM   #372
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Default Re: Coronavirus

Originally Posted by James Somers View Post
I believe that the real danger of the virus is somewhat exaggerated. In some countries, quarantine has been introduced for people who are at risk, and this is reasonable. According to statistics, the majority suffers the disease in an asymptomatic or mild form. People cannot sit at home and in caves for years, because they have to live on something and the country's economy must be supported and developed. I don’t know who would benefit from demonizing this disease? To reduce the risk of infection for people at risk. It is not known what will happen sooner: herd immunity will be developed or the whole world will be provided with vaccines.
Yo actually the vast majority of people do experience the disease in an asymptomatic way, but it still becomes a disaster wherever it spreads so much and so fast that the sanitary system got overwhelmed, and when it's not so destructive there's still no telling whether or not it's gonna go well for you or the people you care for. Why take that chance?

In my region of roughtly 12 million inhabitants we had around 6k cases with less then 500 dead since march (some of which i'm sure would have died anyway), and never at any point it was a real crisis although i know personally 1 person who's had it and i know through a friend of 1 person who has died after contracting it. This doesn't mean that it's not serious, but it just takes a little care and attention plus some clear rules and punishments to keep it at bay. I'm amazed there's still places where it's going so horribly wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The economic argument is a tricky one because while on the surface no one is willing to say that a few thousand deaths are an acceptable cost to mantain our lifestyle, in practice our society already has a massive human life cost, think of all the modern diseases originated from our high consumption of sugar, harmful chemical additives, air pollution, radiation, drugs. The numbers of COVID are insignificant if you compare them to all the death and illnesses directly caused by how we live our life and largely ignored. While no one should make that call because we do have means to esentially slow down the disease so much it becomes a marginal issue, it's not such a clear cut choice wether to close everything down and cause massive economical damages that will ripple in the coming years and turn into social issues as well, or accept that this is yet another sacrifice to the altar of modern society (a smaller one at that) and ride on.

Originally Posted by choof View Post
i thought we didn't say the R word anymore on flashflashrevolution
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