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Old 08-31-2020, 05:02 PM   #81
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Default Re: Social Media Drama

Originally Posted by choof View Post
the precedent that leafy's ban sets is hardly a problem lol. I'm far more interested in censorship by way of abusing the system, the fact that literally anyone can get a channel in hot water simply by submitting a false copyright claim is far more fucked up than youtube killing someone's channel because their content revolves around being an insufferable asshole to other random youtube channels.

this is such a telling statement

well yes
1. It is a problem. You fought in the army, and don't hold that free speech is important? What a fucking waste.
2. We are close to the point where that route of censorship will be less efficient, if you're a woman, namely on Twitch, it already is.
3. Being an ass hole isn't a crime. Stop making it come off like he deserves to lose a chance at income because he's a jerk. YOU wouldn't last in a job climate like that, and I wouldn't be that far ahead of you in that regard. If this was about him saying the "n-word" you'd actually have an argument. One I don't agree with, but there's at least a discussion there. But that isn't what it's about, you daft fuck.
4. It's not, my stance on that is probably pretty known. Considering I literally less than two months ago stormed into a thread, belatedly, to take what I said was a "petty victory lap."
5. Then actually shut up and walk away before you actually make yourself look worse.

Mellon, it's bad if you think de-platforming is ok, and it's a bit telling. But I am not per-say shocked. I disagree with you, but at least you'll sort of admit it.
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