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Old 05-6-2020, 06:19 PM   #3577
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Default Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
My faith in VN adaptations was shattered after the YU-NO anime this last summer. It wasn't Tsukihime-bad, just a mediocre 7/10. They didn't even adapt the game BGM which is feels like a complete waste. MLA should be way more straightforward though, given that it is mostly kinetic in structure. They didn't announce a studio or director yet, but I really hope it's not the staff that did Total Eclipse or Schwarzesmarken. Madhouse would be absolutely perfect for this IMO.

I just want to see Marimo again
Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
I'd hate to be the one to say that White Fox, ufotable, and KyoAni are the only studios capable of adapting VNs... but here we are...

KyoAni would never touch Muv-Luv, they were too busy wasting their time with shitty light-novels to even adapt Key's Little Busters!, which is a goddamn literary masterpiece

ufotable would be interesting, highly doubt they would branch out like this though. I don't know about White Fox either... if they used Steins;Gate's director though this adaptation could be one of the best anime ever made. Steins;Gate had incredible direction that really accentuated Okabe's descent into despair over time--- this specific thing is what an anime Muv-Luv needs, given how much of the excellence of the VN revolves around Takeru's rapid mental deterioration and trial-by-fire character growth. But we'll see... as long as it's not fucking studio feel or 8-bit

if it's A1 Pictures I'm going to hang myself
Shame to hear about the Yu-no adaptation. The grandfather of so many modern VNs needs to be adapted with respect and reverence. I figured it wasn't gonna be the best when I saw it's only 26 eps. Really really hope that's not how the MLA adaptation goes. 26 eps for just Alternative is doable but not ideal at all. It needs that length for it to feel like the epic it is. It's like Dies Irae, a game with a script as long as the bible in terms of word count, getting a 17 ep adaptation.

ufotable could definitely pull it off, but have they done anything outside of F/SN recently? It'd be hard for them to give up on such a guaranteed money maker of a series. But yeah, either them or Madhouse would be my picks too.

Honestly, though? I'd bet money on it being JC Staff...
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