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Old 03-11-2020, 04:35 AM   #1281
TWG Tank
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Default Re: TWG 193: Animal Crossing [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by TWG Phil View Post
kinda where I'm at rn

Zucker [9]
Flurry, Phil, Tank, Dora, Rolf, Molly, Julian, Boomer, Chief

Flurry, Tank and myself were on Zucker before Del claimed cop, basically dooming Zucker. Dora joined almost immediately after, and had voiced intent to vote for Zucker before Del claimed, so they're in this bracket as well. Del was on Zucker at this time, but moved to Julian before phase end.

I think that its likely that all 4 of these names are villagers: Flurry, Tank, Dora, Phil

I think Flurry looks the best (other than me ofc ) for their progression, they were deciding between Mathilda and Zucker, before deciding to follow me on Zucker after (re?)reading Zucker's Iso

Tank talked about how he "could go either way" between Mathilda and Zucker, and said that he thought he preferred to go for between those names, than go for Del

Dora was talking about voting whoever the lowest person that wouldn't get replaced/modkilled was (which is why I was trying to get Zucker also)

None of these at all feel like a bus, maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Tank. Its very, very strange for Flurry to be a wolf, given they definitely could've chosen to go on Mathilda, without the team being a very bus-heavy Mathilda/Flurry/Zucker/x world.

All of the other names look pretty bad, aside from Julian, none of them even have additional words in their votes, and I think that looks kinda bad, as I've said before.

To me, it really looks like town started the wagon, and wolves had no choice but to hop on, or risk looking awkward.

After all this, I think I've decided that it makes Punchy kinda townie to go on Chief. I get that he dodged the now overwhelming wolf wagon, but its just not really how I expect most people on FFR to play; I think most people would just resign themselves to voting their low-posting partner as a wolf. If they're a wolf, they have more power in the CFD than they really should imo.

I think people pushing Julian today for outing the cop are probably doing it for bad, post-justification, reasons. I do think, however, that Julian has trended down a bit. I was basically in love with his posts yday, but the more I've read, the less I like his quips about looking at things in hindsight, if that makes any sense. I think the post where he begged people to lynch Del and just resolve Zucker some other way has to look bad, in the end. People pushing him for pushing Del are being stupid/wolfy though.

I think Boomer had an absolutely awful reaction to being voted (he only quoted Fauna, I think), and that makes me feel better about leaving my vote there.

I think Mathilda has had an awful entrance today as well, just being mad at people for stupid reasons. Their part about pushing on Flurry is really, really stupid, and I think its a wolf trying to justify something that they feel like should always look bad for someone. It makes me think they didn't read eod, because Flurry should always look very town to them, given Flurry was the person who really got the Zucker v Mathilda thoughts going towards Zucker, rather than Mathilda.

I think Rolf gets a singular cool point for saying people pushing Julian are doing it for bad reasons, but he's in the list of people who swapped to Zucker without saying anything, so I think that he's only a tiny bit ahead of the rest.

I encourage people to look at Boomer's ISO and see if they see what Flurry has about lack of engagement.

I talked about Chief a bit yday, I think they look really bad for their read on Zucker.

I think Fauna is going about Zucker's ISO the totally wrong way; if people look comfortable interacting with Zucker, then it means they probably don't know he is a wolf; wolves are pretty notorious for being unable to interact with their partners well, but I liked the thought.

Where I'm at for town (this is in order):
Del (pending, etc etc)
Eugene (not for yesterday, ofc, but for today)


people I haven't mentioned are null (I kinda want to put Agent S in my town, but I'm not going to yet)

wolfreads (there are definitely like 2 wolves here based on how yday went):
Rolf (putting him here makes me want to bump him up to null)
lotta words fam. i found what you mean with chief finally
he put zucker null in reads list
then you asked why he had zuck town:

Originally Posted by TWG Chief View Post
Yes I can.
either i missed smth else or he didnt correct the read as bein null

dora's game plan always was KiLl ThE iNaCtIvEs
if wolf, shes trying to coach the pack in the thread
if town, its her soapbox
either way, its not voting zuck thats the crux
its just follow thru from what she already laid down

flurry good progression
agree tht punchy has balls. i respect
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