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Old 08-26-2019, 08:35 AM   #19
The Dominator
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Default Re: Scoring Data in Brutal Difficulty Range

I propose difficulty rating be composed of the sum of two factors:

A = General Difficulty Factor
B = Upper Tier Scoring Factor

Total AAA Equivalency = A + B

Yes, yes I know this means we need two separate difficulty values for each chart now, how annoying! But the idea is that for charts with a consistent difficulty, B would tend to 0 and for charts like Husigi it would be on the higher end.

Now for calculating the skill points, I have messed with this in excel a bit and this is where I am at now:

Total Skill points = Ax + B^y

where x = total raw score / max raw score, and;
where y = 1/(effective goods + 1)

Did some fiddling in excel with those and the effect in principle seems promising, but it needs more fine tuning.

For Husigi:

Using A = 85 and B = 16

Example 1 - Raw Score (0/0/0/0) - Total Skill Points: 101
Example 2 - Raw Score (0/0/0/1) - Total Skill Points: 95.07
Example 3 - Raw Score (1/0/0/1) - Total Skill Points: 88.50
Example 4 - Raw Score (5/1/0/2) - Total Skill Points: 86.23
Example 5 - Raw Score (45/12/4/16) - Total Skill Points: 84.15

Someone wanna play around with that idea some more? For instance I find the decrease in the "B" component is a bit too punishing in the above example while the decreases in the "A" component are not harsh enough.

Last edited by Dynam0; 08-26-2019 at 08:49 AM..
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