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Old 08-23-2019, 01:47 PM   #1
The Dominator
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Default Learning Rates in Games

I guess it's been a while, how's everybody doing lol

So I got really bored at work and played Kitten Cannon for a whole day, recording each score and trying to determine what a reasonable theoretical limit would be. After 1000 plays I ended up with a high of 2082 and this seemed like a good amount of data to analyze. Unfortunately I quickly found myself lacking in the statistics department as I started off using a normal distribution model rather than an exponential decay model.

Anyways I soon gave up because I realized I just spent an entire day at work doing nothing but analyzing Kitten Cannon score but found a neat paper in the process:

Essentially this study looks like it was designed to inform game developers on how best to manage high scoring models depending on how they want their players to feel rewarded etc. It's interesting because it takes into account the learning aspect in games and how that plays a role in obtaining a higher score versus no learning curve.

It would be interesting to do a similar study with FFR scores (obviously not me but someone with a statistical background) and see where this game and its players stand on the learning rate spectrum. I think we all agree that relative skill increase exponentially decays over time and this is quite dramatic.
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