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Old 08-5-2019, 08:37 PM   #11
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Default Re: El Paso and Dayton Shootings (SERIOUS TOPIC)

Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
Not as a complete dissuasion, I understand that gun ownership in the home can provide some sense of security and safety, just keep in mind that there is indeed a tradeoff here
There is a trade off on everything. Statistics aren't something I'm versed in well enough to argue, which is why I made my posts based on my own emotions.

Originally Posted by Sanjixcon View Post
It's not black and white.
We can sit here and argue statistics and the logical approach all day, and I am very certain we'd arrive at the conclusion that guns are more bad than good. There are going to be people who make horrible use of something. You can only try to stop it if it's in your physical means of doing so.

But as someone who is never winning a physical encounter with my own physical strength, and wit alone, I'm happy that I have access to something like a weapon. It's a comfort and I'm responsible about it.

The shorthand is that everyone is arguing just logic and are allowing maybe just fear to dictate their choice. A responsible owner is going to keep it in a way that won't harm someone unless needed, and that's how I intend to be. I'm not gonna walk around waving the fucking thing, most people won't know it's there.

Shootings suck, fuck those people.
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