Thread: D8 Deb8
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Old 08-5-2019, 02:40 AM   #135
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Default Re: D8 Deb8

I know there have been several different proposals for divisionless tournaments in the past. Trumpet ran a divisionless tournament that let people choose one of several songs to play. I think one of the staff members suggested triple elimination a while back. Blanky had a proposal earlier in this thread.

If I had to come up with something on the spot...

First round, everyone plays together. Song difficulty would be high enough that there'd be little to no chance that more than 50% would AAA. Bottom 50% scoring participants receive a "strike" or a "loss".

Second round, the players without a strike play together on one song, and the players with a strike play together on another song. Same deal with song difficulties, in that they'd ensure less than 50% would AAA. Bottom 50% of each group get a strike.

Rounds continue in this fashion. Each round, players play only against others with the same number of strikes. Bottom 50% of each group gets another strike. This would continue until only one player had zero strikes, at which point they would be declared the winner and the tournament would end.

This is just a rough sketch, there's a lot of refining it would need to go through before it's a valid tournament format, but I'm just throwing out an idea.

Originally Posted by Dinglesberry View Post
if you played league of legends or overwatch and tried competitive and were immediately placed vs the best players then you would have a horrible experience and get absolutely destroyed, so they start you off at silver or bronze or whatever and you work your way up, same with ffr
Yeah, but League and Overwatch don't have "official tournaments" that try to place everyone into their own bracket and tell everyone that they can win if they play hard enough. I'm sure if there was a similar thing for League, people would complain that a Dia IV team would stand no chance against a Dia I team.

Last edited by RenegadeLucien; 08-5-2019 at 02:48 AM..
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