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Old 07-13-2019, 11:36 PM   #13
Not devonin
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Default Re: TWG 187: Senpai [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Daikyi View Post
@Dev ty for explain, i think i'm just not adjusting to your headspace enough given twg meta shifts tbh
If I could sum up I think, what I'm doing that seems weird to you that is me trying to handle this current form of TWG it would be like this:

I churn away at things. I look at scenarios, consider what would be implied by alternate scenarios, re-evaluate previous actions based on later information, but, the way I process it is "Bounce the ideas off of other people and get feedback as to whether there's anything there" which, in the way I was used to playing, with out of thread conversations, the ability to talk to people one on one, I could be running these ideas by people in private, and hashing out which ones have legs or not before I brought them to the thread.

But we can't do that, so I basically have to just sort of ...dump all the analysis and theorizing into the thread and see whether anybody thinks it means anything.

So on the one hand, I know all my theorizing isn't going to pan out, which has the result since it's all getting posted here, of making it look like I'm just way off base all the time. And on the other hand, everything's going directly in front of the wolves too, who can definitely join in on the hole poking.

But overall I'd rather try to hit on something really good than get stuck in my own head trying to obsess over whether something is a "good enough" theory or question or suspicion to post.
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