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Old 07-8-2019, 10:30 AM   #2384
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Default Re: TWG 187: Senpai [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Soundwave- View Post
Okay first of all quoting fg here is ridiculous: I don't think she's said a not-backwards thing the whole game, and if she was the only one completely backwards on a point, at this point I just don't care.

Now I'll make no claim that any actual thought went into that post, but let's say for a second that it did. Why wouldn't I help speed along the conclusion?

Because if town is going to come to it anyways, and there will be more personal will involved as compared to mixing yet another voice in.

Time is really not of essence, and relationships are subtle. If town consensus can be achieved without pushing it, the result is a town circle that is more cohesive, more robust, and more sensitive to the subtleties the wolves introduce by faking.
Lol yeah fg was not part of that argument.

Agree to disagree on the last point. Whether or not people reach the same conclusion as consensus based on your own argument there is always the chance that they're sheeping. Also if its all the same to you I dont think this argument is going anywhere.
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