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Old 07-4-2019, 10:24 AM   #7505
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: The FFR Trading Card Game

Alright so, two things happened.

One is that I accidentally made a...small...error in describing what my system did but as near as I can tell from everybody's posts and theories, it didn't actually cause anybody to go down incorrect rabbit holes.

The other thing is that Rushyrulz is our winner at figuring out the weakness of the boss, even though he thought he didn't get it because he messed up basic addition and thought he didn't get it.

Step 1 - Convert the song title into numbers A=1, B=2 etc
Step 2 - Sum the numbers
Step 3 - Express the sum modulo 15

I inadvertently described mod 15 as making numbers from 0-15 instead of 'making 15 numbers' which means counting 0 as a number so it's actually 0-14, meaning the max multiplier is actually x15 not x16 but since nobody until Rushy was doing anything with modulo, and he was actually doing mod15 anyway, and I don't think anybody said anything to imply they were working backwards from "specifically gives results of 0-15" I -HOPE- I didn't make anybody just smash something in rage.
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