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Old 06-14-2019, 08:17 PM   #2192
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: TWG CLXXXVI - Anime North 2019 [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
Yep, knew it.

Everyone, we're going to the Dealer's Room. The one town that's still alive, go to the other room, but that probably won't even matter.
It depends on what info we get if we use our powers.

We haven't seen it in action lol.

If it says who we helped out, you're a tool for telling the other town to go to the other room. like, if it says you got DBP and Hateandhatred out, that means FFA is a wolf. We'd win in that scenario.

But if the town goes to the other room, then it would say "Charu helped Hateandhatred out" and we're left with thunderdome.

I don't like the odds of that thunderdome. Aside from it technically being 1/2, I feel like we are not going to agree on who to kill.
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