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Old 06-10-2019, 08:52 PM   #1733
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: TWG CLXXXVI - Anime North 2019 [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Xiz View Post
I'll be around for the rest of the phase, but i'm just doing dishes and what not

If I die, please just kill dbp. His vote on me is literally just "i think you are a wolf from a d0 post on page 2" with no context, no evolution, and no backup. I've been hounding him for two days because his reads don't lign up, his votes appear weak to me, and I think he is just skimming by.

also not killing him because it's his b-day is pretty lol tier if people actually think that lol
No, killing him for his birthday is what sunfan wanted to do, and may I say such a thought is putting my penis in that state where it's not quite a boner, but hard-ish and halfway raised.
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