Thread: fuck Georgia
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Old 05-12-2019, 08:16 PM   #74
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Default Re: fuck Georgia

Ok so like im pretty dumb, but I'm sorta agreeing with devonin here, its like, what is the issue anyways?

I get it that pro-life people go like "life begins at conception!1!11" but like, why does it even matter? What is being accomplished by forcing that life to exist?

Do they do it so they can morally feel "well I did the right deed and blessed the sanctity of human life!!" and get like, a ego-boner from it or something? I just can't fathom the reasoning behind it, it's like fine if you believe life matters, but theres literally no reason behind it.

At the end of the day it seems like its just people trying to push the fact that theyre "morally correct" onto other people literally for the sake of doing just that, and not for the well being of anyone. If they cared about others well being then they'd just allow women to do what they want lol, so basically the impression I end up getting is that suddenly the life of the person having the child is worthless, but for some reason the life of the "baby that hasn't even been born" is suddenly OMG SO VALUABLE.

All in all people are dumb.

And, once again because you somehow seem to keep missing it: The people who are anti-abortion / anti-choice DO NOT ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THE ZYGOTE/FETUS/POTENTIAL FUTURE HUMAN. AT ALL.
I just read dev say this, but can you elaborate on it? So if people who are anti abortion don't care about the future human or fetus, then whats the entire point of what theyre doing? I dont really get it lol

Last edited by Dinglesberry; 05-12-2019 at 08:18 PM..
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