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Old 05-3-2019, 11:45 AM   #341
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Default Re: TWG CLXXXV: C9+++++++++ Game Thread

Originally Posted by Daikyi View Post
tbh id say its not really a hyperfocus kn haku because im not really concerned with reading him at this point, but definitely focusing on the discussion and other stuff that revolved around it, and i do think theres a difference,

faking analysis from a non holistic view is one thing, but youre skirting around actually saying whether or not you think i am doing such right now though. like, flip side is that its also easy to give actual analysis and thought from a pure standpoint. like, whats your metric to differentiate, and why is it just a worry right now that youre not even bothering to press? youve been pretty far engaged with a lot of other going ons, and even ask shadowolfe stuff in your last post so idk tbh

also where did that roundbox vote come from i could not get that train of logic to reach any station near ne
I mean, that is another related problem, that it is not that clear to me who you are trying to read, while focusing on discussion surrounding somebody you are not.

Is calling out your narrow focus is pressing it? I think it is. You are somebody I may vote for today based on it. I do not really feel like asking more specific questions, I would rather see what else you think is worth discussing. My metric to differentiate whether something is fake or not is a pretty lengthy subject if it is not regarding a specific.

He claimed he was a wolf, it is only slightly serious.
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