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Old 03-13-2019, 02:56 AM   #18
flashflash account
FFR Player
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Default Re: Perfect Randomness:Grinding:Skill ratio

I found an old monologue of how I felt while playing the

it's funny, because originally I didn't have anything against undertale but I wasn't interested in playing it. A friend of mine (who is a big nerd for these kinds of games) was like "man you gotta try this it's greaaaaaaaaaat" and he gifted it to me as a humble bundle (because I don't have steam ). And I was like gosh dang it man you know I wasn't interested in playing it but since you gifted it to me, I'll try it. I'm sure it'll be fun. I start the game. I watch the intro. The music makes me cringe.
But hey, it was an intro theme, like it's supposed to be bad, right? So I started the game up, picked the name "Mike" cause I wasn't in the mood for "ShovelKnight" and I fell through a hole.
The cutscene was actually pretty cool, drawings were well done. Reminded me of a newer GBC game. Anyway, after watching the cutscene I entered the ruins. DUN DUN DUN
I met a flower named flowey. He told me about friendliness pellets. I was like "huh, I don't remember friendliness pellets, maybe this part of the game is different" so I collected the friendliness pellets and felt cheated.
After toriel intervened I thought, flowey is a pretty well-designed character and toriel took me through the ruins like I was a child. I guess I technically was, and going through the ruins was pretty enjoyable but when we got to toriel's house and toriel did the thing
idk her character just bothered me all of a sudden so when I tried to leave the ruins and she stopped me I couldn't figure out how to not kill her. So I killed her. After that, I met sans. Sans was pretty cool. I mean, his name is a pun. It's really clever.
To be honest, I didn't actually want to leave the ruins, but the game doesn't give you a choice. So I met sans, and he became my favorite character. Then I met papyrus. Who I instantly disliked. After solving a few puzzles and meeting a few really weird dogs (the dogs were just off-putting, I didn't like them very much) I finally made it to snowdin town, the first place with a soundtrack that really stuck out. It just matched the sleepy little village aesthetic pretty well.
So I made my way through snowdin town and met papyrus at the end of the village and he started to flirt with me :/
I was like, "ok, can't kill him, let's do this". I fought papyrus over
and over
and over
and over
and kept dying
and kept resetting
and after I finally beat papyrus my friend told me "oh, if he captures you 3 times he lets you go anyway"
Moving on to the waterfall, I did like the whole thing they had with the echo flowers that was actually a cool part. At this point, I muted the game because the sound was driving me crazy. Of course, this was the same part with the piano so I was a little at odds with myself there. I played the little ditty on the piano and the wall opened up. Inside was a legendary artifact. It made me really excited, but then a dog appeared out of nowhere and stole the artifact, which REALLY got me mad. The dog also left behind some dog residue. I tried to figure out what it did, but the info bar was no help so I saved at the nearby mouse hole and used it, and it filled up my inventory after doing nothing, so I tossed all copies of dog residue and was mad.
Then my friend warned me about temmie village and said it was imperative that I find it, but that he had never found it. So I went through the darkened room blindly and found temmie village. After looking around a bit I decided the place was worthless and couldn't figure out why everyone loved it so much, so I left and continued on. At this point my favorite character became the scraggy lookalike. He was kind of awesome. And then undyne happened. Dodging the spears was actually kind of fun but when I made it to the save point in front of the tunnel and she went all hardmode on me I started hating undyne :/ as fun as ddr is ddr that kills you isn't fun I died to her so many timesthat I finally just looked up how to beat her on google (a first! I NEVER look things up)so it took a while, but I finally beat undyne. I also took lots of long breaks after getting frustrated. I finally made it through the waterfall area which reminds me of the jolly octopus person, didn't like her, just wished she would go away. Then I made it to Dr. Alphys' lab-this is where things got stupid.
5 minutes later...
10 minutes later...
HATE HIM the mettaton battles were the absolute worst part of the game and it completely ruined the experience. I spent more time on a single mettaton battle than I did on the entire rest of the (non boss battle) game, it was SO impossible. I continued to the core where I fought very difficult battles and saw a sign that said "The End". I was very interested in finding an end, but when I went to "The End"it wasn't actually the end- it was just-surprise- ANOTHER BOSS BATTLE. This time it was the stupid spider lady. I had to try this one a couple times, and after it ended, IT TURNED OUT IT WAS A MISTAKE. I don't understand this. WHY are monsters fighting me when they're "good people"? LIKE, GOOD PEOPLE DON'T JUST ATTACK A KID IN A BANDAGE. After finally beating her I made it to the final mettaton battle, where I had to get his ratings up to 10,000. Well, I got his ratings up to 12,000, and didn't beat him. I was told to get his ratings to 10,000, which I did. At that point I gave up with the game because it was so frustrating.

Low-key I read this and felt bad for that kid
And it was me rip

Oh here's a Skype log with the friend who gifted it to
[11/5/2015 10:43:00 AM] Morgan Barry: micheal
[11/5/2015 10:43:14 AM] Morgan Barry: I'mma buy you game
[11/5/2015 10:46:11 AM] Morgan Barry:
[11/5/2015 12:19:45 PM] Emcee Mikey: Oh noooo
[11/5/2015 12:20:04 PM] Morgan Barry: You can just download it straight to your comp
[11/5/2015 12:20:12 PM] Morgan Barry: You'll like this game
[11/5/2015 12:20:22 PM] Morgan Barry: it reminds me a lot of mother/earthbound
[11/5/2015 1:12:27 PM] Emcee Mikey: but I don't like RPG's D:
[11/5/2015 1:12:49 PM] Emcee Mikey: thanks for the gift can't wait to try it out though :P
[11/5/2015 1:14:13 PM] Morgan Barry: It's a very different kind of RPG, I can tell you that much. It's more JRPG. But yeah, I fun
[11/5/2015 1:14:21 PM] Morgan Barry: I can almost garuntee it
[11/5/2015 1:46:02 PM] Morgan Barry: let me know what you think of it as you play through
[11/5/2015 3:45:48 PM] Emcee Mikey: I'll be able to download it tomorrow I been using my phone rn
[11/5/2015 5:00:53 PM] Morgan Barry: Kk
[11/6/2015 9:36:38 AM] Emcee Mikey: dang the main theme is annoying
[11/6/2015 10:29:05 AM] Morgan Barry: Soundtrack is prolly on of the best ones I've heard in a bit
[11/6/2015 10:29:25 AM] Morgan Barry: And what do you mean by main theme?
[11/6/2015 10:29:40 AM] Emcee Mikey: I left it going when I downloaded it and it was bothering me
[11/6/2015 10:29:49 AM] Emcee Mikey: this game is scary ._.
[11/6/2015 10:30:01 AM] Morgan Barry: Lol
[11/6/2015 10:30:27 AM] Morgan Barry: It has its dark moments yeah
[11/6/2015 10:30:49 AM] Morgan Barry: But for the most part it's really lighthearted
[11/6/2015 10:31:09 AM] Morgan Barry: Characters are really great
[11/6/2015 10:31:42 AM] Morgan Barry: In the ruins I guess?
[11/6/2015 10:31:54 AM] Emcee Mikey: heading towards snowdin town
[11/6/2015 10:32:10 AM] Morgan Barry: Ah
[11/6/2015 10:32:22 AM] Morgan Barry: Favorite character so far?
[11/6/2015 10:32:32 AM] Emcee Mikey: sans
[11/6/2015 10:33:18 AM] Morgan Barry: Hands down, huh? He's my sisters fav too.
[11/6/2015 10:33:33 AM] Morgan Barry: Honestly tho I'm a papyrus fan.
[11/6/2015 10:33:35 AM] Emcee Mikey: well I've only met like 4 characters
[11/6/2015 10:33:58 AM] Morgan Barry: Yeah, ik
[11/6/2015 10:44:56 AM] Emcee Mikey: the music gets on my nerves
[11/6/2015 10:46:00 AM] Morgan Barry: rip
[11/6/2015 10:46:39 AM] Morgan Barry: good for a call?
[11/6/2015 11:06:58 AM] Morgan Barry: tbh tho, I didn't really start loving the music till I got to waterfall/hotland
[11/6/2015 11:30:38 AM] Morgan Barry: anyway, wanna draft in a bit?
[11/6/2015 12:23:44 PM] Emcee Mikey: sorry I was doing yardwork
[11/6/2015 12:24:10 PM] Emcee Mikey: idk if I can draft today I got work later tonight and I gotta play some ranked
[11/6/2015 1:24:39 PM] Morgan Barry: Gonna try out this pauper thing
[11/6/2015 1:24:48 PM] Morgan Barry: Getting a simic evolve deck
[11/6/2015 1:24:55 PM] Morgan Barry: cost me 2 bucks lol
[11/6/2015 7:13:15 PM] Emcee Mikey: how do I beat papyrus
[11/6/2015 7:25:38 PM] Morgan Barry: depends on your goal
[11/6/2015 7:25:43 PM] Morgan Barry: do you want to kill
[11/6/2015 7:25:45 PM] Morgan Barry: or spare
[11/6/2015 7:25:47 PM] Emcee Mikey: never mind I beat him
[11/6/2015 7:25:52 PM] Morgan Barry: kk
[11/6/2015 7:26:05 PM] Emcee Mikey: just beat him before you answered :P
[11/6/2015 7:26:11 PM] Morgan Barry: Noice
[11/6/2015 7:26:24 PM] Morgan Barry: Killed or Spared?
[11/6/2015 7:26:29 PM] Emcee Mikey: he spared me
[11/6/2015 7:26:38 PM] Morgan Barry: Cool cool
[11/6/2015 7:26:49 PM] Morgan Barry: Did you see his super cool bone attack
[11/6/2015 7:26:52 PM] Emcee Mikey: yeah
[11/6/2015 7:27:19 PM] Morgan Barry: There's 2 ways to beat just so you know
[11/6/2015 7:27:36 PM] Morgan Barry: First one is to just survive the fight
[11/6/2015 7:27:43 PM] Morgan Barry: at least long enough to finish the monologue he has
[11/6/2015 7:27:50 PM] Emcee Mikey: yeah
[11/6/2015 7:27:56 PM] Morgan Barry: the second one is to get captured 3 times
[11/6/2015 7:27:57 PM] Emcee Mikey: I survived with 1 hp
[11/6/2015 7:28:04 PM] Morgan Barry: and he'll let you go on the 3rd try
[11/6/2015 7:28:08 PM] Emcee Mikey: oh I see
[11/6/2015 7:28:12 PM] Emcee Mikey: I just kept resetting
[11/6/2015 7:28:15 PM] Morgan Barry: lol
[11/6/2015 7:28:51 PM] Emcee Mikey: is flowey an echo flower
[11/6/2015 7:30:18 PM] Morgan Barry: Eh
[11/6/2015 7:30:21 PM] Morgan Barry: You'll find out
[11/6/2015 7:30:28 PM] Morgan Barry: like if I tell you anything
[11/6/2015 7:30:39 PM] Morgan Barry: it's really heavy spoilers concerning what he actually is
[11/6/2015 7:30:47 PM] Emcee Mikey: was he a human
[11/6/2015 7:30:55 PM] Morgan Barry: You'll find out
[11/6/2015 7:31:01 PM] Emcee Mikey: that's a yes
[11/6/2015 7:31:07 PM] Morgan Barry: Have you killed anything yet btw?
[11/6/2015 7:31:11 PM] Morgan Barry: or at all/
[11/6/2015 7:31:12 PM] Morgan Barry: ?
[11/6/2015 7:31:18 PM] Emcee Mikey: I killed toriel
[11/6/2015 7:31:24 PM] Emcee Mikey: I couldn't do anything else
[11/6/2015 7:31:25 PM] Morgan Barry: rip neutral path
[11/6/2015 7:31:58 PM] Morgan Barry: Ah well, that's how I started out to
[11/6/2015 7:32:23 PM] Morgan Barry: honestly, the experience felt more fulfilling tho
[11/6/2015 7:32:53 PM] Morgan Barry: Btw, try to see if you can find temmie village
[11/6/2015 7:33:31 PM] Morgan Barry: You'll find it after the room when the lights dim
[11/6/2015 7:35:30 PM] Emcee Mikey: I just killed papyrus with kindness...?
[11/6/2015 7:36:13 PM] Morgan Barry: Sort of
[11/6/2015 7:36:17 PM] Morgan Barry: ?
[11/6/2015 7:36:24 PM] Morgan Barry: Wait
[11/6/2015 7:36:27 PM] Morgan Barry: ?
[11/6/2015 7:36:41 PM] Emcee Mikey: I got his phone number though
[11/6/2015 7:36:45 PM] Morgan Barry: Oh cool
[11/6/2015 7:36:57 PM] Morgan Barry: Did you go on the date thing then?
[11/6/2015 7:37:02 PM] Emcee Mikey: yes
[11/6/2015 7:37:07 PM] Morgan Barry: that was fun
[11/6/2015 7:37:35 PM] Emcee Mikey: man this is why I don't like rpg's
[11/6/2015 7:37:38 PM] Emcee Mikey: I can't 100% it
[11/6/2015 7:37:41 PM] Morgan Barry: lol
[11/6/2015 7:37:47 PM] Morgan Barry: Well you can
[11/6/2015 7:37:58 PM] Morgan Barry: Btw there is a way to spare toriel
[11/6/2015 7:38:38 PM] Morgan Barry: it's not immeadiately obvious at first, but when you go on you're second run you should find it out
[11/6/2015 7:39:13 PM] Morgan Barry: !00% this game means completeting the neutral, True Pacifists, and genocide routes
[11/6/2015 7:39:32 PM] Morgan Barry: I honestly don't have the heart to beat genocide run tho
[11/6/2015 7:48:56 PM] Emcee Mikey: that little kid is my favorite now
[11/6/2015 8:01:24 PM] Emcee Mikey: this game has a lot of spelling errors
[11/6/2015 8:01:48 PM] Morgan Barry: Really?
[11/6/2015 8:02:12 PM] Morgan Barry: Other than the whole library thing?
[11/6/2015 8:02:19 PM] Morgan Barry: cause that one was on purpose
[11/6/2015 8:03:24 PM] Emcee Mikey: well
[11/6/2015 8:03:26 PM] Emcee Mikey: grammar errors
[11/6/2015 8:03:39 PM] Emcee Mikey: and maybe not a lot but a few
[11/6/2015 8:03:40 PM] Morgan Barry: Ah
[11/6/2015 8:03:45 PM] Emcee Mikey: I think there
[11/6/2015 8:03:51 PM] Emcee Mikey: might have been one or two spelling
[11/6/2015 8:03:54 PM] Emcee Mikey: errors though
[11/6/2015 8:04:07 PM] Emcee Mikey: yeah when sans was talking I think
[11/6/2015 8:04:07 PM] Morgan Barry: Well, as long as it doesn't harm the overall experience its fine
[11/6/2015 8:04:19 PM] Morgan Barry: this toby fox guy made it by himself comepletely
[11/6/2015 8:04:30 PM] Morgan Barry: so there might be some errors in proof reading
[11/6/2015 8:04:43 PM] Morgan Barry: completely*
[11/6/2015 8:05:41 PM] Morgan Barry: anyway, I'm going to buy some hand warmers
[11/6/2015 8:05:46 PM] Morgan Barry: It's cold in my room
[11/6/2015 8:07:25 PM] Morgan Barry: Oh yeah, there are some secret rooms and stuff in the game for you to find
[11/6/2015 8:07:32 PM] Morgan Barry: I don't know about most of them
[11/6/2015 8:07:39 PM] Morgan Barry: but they are there
[11/7/2015 3:35:45 PM] Emcee Mikey: what's so special about temmie village
[11/7/2015 3:48:25 PM] Morgan Barry: No idea
[11/7/2015 3:48:31 PM] Morgan Barry: Never been there
[11/7/2015 3:52:27 PM] Emcee Mikey: oh
[11/7/2015 3:52:32 PM] Emcee Mikey: nothing's special about it then
[11/7/2015 3:52:43 PM] Emcee Mikey: I mean there's a shop there
[11/7/2015 4:00:21 PM] Morgan Barry: I guess it's just a "memorable place" for people then.
[11/7/2015 4:00:32 PM] Emcee Mikey: it was kind of lame
[11/7/2015 4:00:44 PM] Morgan Barry: People have remixed the shop theme into dubstep
[11/11/2015 11:33:21 AM] Emcee Mikey: the patch notes also have a Zelda reference
[11/11/2015 11:33:30 AM] Emcee Mikey: can't believe you missed it if you saw the undertale reference
[11/11/2015 11:33:40 AM] Emcee Mikey:
Hunter's Machete

it's dangerous to go alone
[11/11/2015 11:52:55 AM] Morgan Barry: lol
[11/15/2015 10:17:45 PM] Emcee Mikey: I did a bfz draft and all of my opponents had a freaking expedition fetch
[11/15/2015 10:17:54 PM] Emcee Mikey: I'm so salty right now
aka mikey


Originally Posted by FreezinIce View Post
FFA playing 4D chess in Gemity while us mortals are stuck on this gay earth

Originally Posted by QueenAshy View Post
I’ve demonstrated self-awareness
Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
i was pretty close to letting this slide tbh, but honestly your utter lack of understanding of the situation irritates me more than anything else at this point
Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
seriously everything i wrote went way over your head if your reading comprehension is so far below third grade level while people may care about your opinion you should refrain from giving it because it's worthless

Last edited by flashflash account; 03-13-2019 at 03:06 AM..
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