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Old 12-1-2018, 07:45 PM   #46
T-Force's Rival
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Default Re: Why Etterna stands to me as being the bitchiest elitism circle jerk community eve

Originally Posted by DNAlei View Post
I've been banned from nearly everything Etterna related now just for trolling back at virgin nerds and/or when those virgin nerds fuck up when they think they're the shit because they've dedicated most of their worthless lives to a rhythm game community that barely anybody in the gaming community cares about even to the smallest extent, it's quite sad actually.

So I correct them and they proceed to get triggered because they're literally pussy ass bitches who sit behind computers in their mom's basements and because their dads left them early on in their childhood, it literally amuses me but at the same time makes me truly fear for the existence of the human race and the slow but gradual decline of our intelligence as every passing day goes by and every ticking hand on the clock proceeds to a tock eventually completing a full circle yet again while these fucktards gargle memes in a who can piss longer test basically regurgitating the "best" memes further degrading their intelligence, or rather, lack of it because they most likely never had any to begin with when all they have to talk and laugh about are memes in their sad, sad depleted perpetually gay lives.

ps. in the end we all die so why the fuck do I care for what you think about why I do what I do, fuck all you stupid furry, alcoholic, gay, virgin, drug addicted, nerd, loser, no friends, retarded piece of subhuman shitters.



ok but this needs a dramatic reading though
Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
is funny eaman?
Can you like not use those stupid names right now? Took me long enough to get these screen names straight in my head
Originally Posted by the sun fan View Post
(eaman is her name irl, friend)

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