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Old 11-29-2018, 07:55 PM   #197
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Default Re: Does anyone else think kissing is kinda nasty?

Originally Posted by xXOpkillerXx View Post
Sorry I don't get what you mean there ?
I'm just wondering how it feels compared to the initial pre-op genitals in terms of physical sensation
I'm confused as to why you are confused, maybe it's just a language barrier but like, you literally said "how does it feel to have the opposite sex" when it should have been "how does it feel to have the opposite genitals"

Even now, you saying the "sensation" implies ur curious about the physical aspect of it, but sex or gender shouldn't have anything to do with that at all

Like if ur curious how the sensation feels then that's fair but it shouldn't be related to gender or sex lol.. ive never had srs personally but from what I've read, from people's experiences on reddit, it feels like nothing and ur unable to orgasm after it, so maybe that's what you wanted to know, idk

Last edited by Dinglesberry; 11-29-2018 at 07:57 PM..
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