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Old 11-9-2018, 07:10 PM   #1
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Default An Open Letter Re: Mods

Can we stop deleting or (especially)editing other people's posts, unless there's illegal/banned content (like Xiz posting horse cocks)? I think everyone here's old enough to be able to see negativity or rudeness or whatever words rudeboi1697 can throw at my mother, and if it really is crossing the line just temp ban them without deleting the post... I think deleting posts just makes things awkward and builds tension.

Locking threads is probably fine as a concept but I'm not sure it's been needed as much as it has been, but that's just me.

Maybe it's just me that's noticed some animosity going around here, and maybe I'm tunnel visioned on this because the concept of it bugs me, but I think there should be some kind of mutual communication at least, between mods and non-mods here, and it might help resolve *some* things, or at least cover some ground towards reaching better civility here.
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