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Old 10-28-2018, 03:55 PM   #1917
the Haku
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Default Re: TWGXXXI - TWGreeD - Game Thread

I don't see "DBP detective" vibes here at all.

I don't see Manti shifting gears into trying to solve anything. I just see safe plays overall that doesn't affect the game much.

Considering this is the 3rd phase, I feel like that's abnormal.

inDheart\Sunfan by example have been a lot more descriptive about their posts and WV has been staying active/relevant a little like Neee was most of the game.

Roundbox has been like the middle ground of all of this, but I still think he's more towny than anything else.

Raeko is in that weird spot where she could jump either way depending on what she posts next.

I'm not sure if MML's game could be considered inconsistent when it comes to his own reads and his headspace during the game. I found myself reading his posts from time to time and being like "heh? Really? That's what you think? Where that came from ?!". It eventually made sense, but that surprised me. I feel like town MML would tend to pick a target and stick to it while this MML seems to consider more possibilities than I'm used to see. e.g: "Charu/inDheart could be a wolf". It's good to think outside of the box and maybe it's just because we're playing no cardflips off, but I've read this like a wolf trying to keep their options open rather than a town warning us that we might have been fooled. Later on, you see MML go on the complete opposite side of that spectrum while talking about how FG couldn't have been a wolf based on the EoD votes and how they happened. I'm not saying you're supposed to tunnel one thing all game to get town read, but it made me wonder if your reads were following some sort of agenda. Honestly, I just keep being uncertain about how you form your own reads.

tl;dr: having an headache over how MML play, don't mind me.

I wonder if something could be done about Charu's claim with the 2 blue roles. Also, does that includes himself ? I wonder if it's still verifiable. The reason is because most of the roles are 1-shot based and I'm assuming that those who have rolled blue already used their abilities therefore it could A) soft confirm them as town and B) confirm Charu as legit.

There's also the risk that blue roles may have died and if that's not the case, this sounds like a decent opportunity for the PoE of this phase.
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