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Old 10-17-2018, 03:26 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: San Antonio, TX
Age: 25
Posts: 606
Default Me and my GF are together now! But there’s a bit of a problem…

So… I really love my girlfriend, she’s an amazing person to be around (except her being a casual gamer, that part of her can go to hell). She’s been over for a week, and though she’s leaving today, I really will miss her, she’s definitely a pleasure to be around. We’ve mostly been playing Skyrim and Spore (I will return to my regular stream schedule in a bit), but we’ve still been having lots of fun.

There’s just one thing tho… she kinda isn’t very feminine. Like, when I first met her, she was a sissy, but after multiple discussions we’ve had, we can both agree that she’s trans. She’s had very similar thoughts that I had, and I believe that her crossdressing desires, combined with the fact that she wants to be a “lesbian couple” (her own words), is a pretty good indicator. Now, we both could very well be wrong, but for now, I think we can both agree on one thing.

The thing is, she grows facial hair SUPER FAST. Like, she shaved an hour before she came over, by the next day, I was seeing clearly defined hairs. For contrast, I need to shave once every 5 days (on average) before it starts becoming visible to the average person.

I’ve been having a bit of problem with her tho, and it’s a personal one that I can’t seem to shake. I’m having trouble with her appearence. It’s not that I’m bodyshaming or that I don’t like her, just with me being a lesbian and all, it’s really hard for me to date someone that’s so masculine. Like, her figure, body odor, and almost everything else is almost entirely male; with the obvious exception of her personality. I’ve talked to her about this issue, and she is holding off transition till she moves out of her parents’ house. Even though her parents would be more than accepting, she still wants to move for whatever reason. The thing is, I feel like it won’t happen for a long time, we’re both in a similar boat: no college education, little work experience, and lackluster high school grades. She’s applied to over 2000 jobs, and she’s been denied. Compound that with the fact that neither of us have a car, and it makes for a really bad situation.

I don’t know how to handle this appearence problem, it irks me and makes me quite uncomfortable (given my past), and it’s probably not gonna change for a while… I’m not entirely sure how to deal with this, as I’ve never fallen in love in this sort of situation before…
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