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Old 08-26-2018, 05:54 AM   #1
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Default I'm tired of Google's algorithms thinking they know what I want and ruining the net

I can't be the only one who notices the sharp decline in google search results quality, as well as their automated algorithms "predicting" behaviour being absolute dog shit. It seems like after they got in all kinds of hot water for "promoting" controversial search results and "Fake news", they cranked the liberal bias on their search so that if it so much as THINKS you are searching for a divisive or controversial topic, it hits you with a bunch of articles trying to sway you the other way.

For example, an example that stuck with me that I sent to my friend was results for a search "'"Terrorist attack statistics divided by religion'". The results that come back are "Muslims are not terrorists" and "white men in america are bigger domestic threats than muslims", when all I was looking for was empirical evidence and real stats and research papers to further my own research. Instead, I got answers to a question I did not ask from outlets like Vice et al, as if to say my question was too taboo to point me to actual answers that might "confirm" a derogatory viewpoint.

This also happens on YouTube. Almost every time without fail when I put on music that isn't current top 40s radio hits, the "Up Next" algorithm ALWAYS provides me with "Boney M - Rasputin" as if I want to listen to that song every time I feel like listening to music.

Does anyone else remember when search engines gave you what you wanted, rather than what it thinks you want? Nowadays, you get all kinds of promoted links, links from Pinterest, or things that are vaguely related because of interchangeable terms. Even the most detailed, precised, Advanced Search gives you loads of ads, results with one of your words or even vaguely related or popular stuff instead of your exact phrase.

Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the old wild west days of the net gone by, but I really think with all the aggregates and portals like Reddit, Facebook, etc., the net has become a bunch of interconnected walled gardens rather than a vast bastion of information to be explored at your will.

Last edited by melonpapes; 08-26-2018 at 06:18 AM..
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