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Old 08-25-2018, 07:08 PM   #2690
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Default Re: TWG CLXXX - OuO what's this? [Game Thread]

The Freezin death is weird.

Here's what we know: the seven-roll is dependent on town roles; anti-town roles are merely a result of the number. Freezin lied. Tps has claimed blue; all other remaining players claimed vanilla.

Tps is either telling the truth (blue town), or is lying (scum/SK).

That means the starting state was either RRxTTTT (assuming truthful Tps) or RRTTTTT (assuming anti-town Tps).

Truthful Tps gives us TTTT, which is 2 goons, a JOAT, and an SK.
Fake Tps gives us TTTTT, which is 2 goons and a bus driver.

Fake Tps is problematic, but possible. It requires the scum team to sacrifice Freezin in order to more firmly cement Tps as town. Both Freezin and Tps were likely town yesterday, due to their claims; however, their blue claims would make them popular night targets. Each day both survived would be suspicious, and Xiz's death left them with no path to LYLO or MILO today. Therefore, both would survive multiple nights post-massclaim, which could look suspicious. Tps also waited to "read" yesterday before generically claiming blue, which may have involved the wolves determining the safest course of action going forward.

On the other hand, this would be an extremely reckless gambit (if we assume a scum self-kill). If Tps is a wolf, then there is no SK, and he is the only remaining anti-town player in the game, now facing a brutal 6:1 slog toward victory. Tps would be forced to survive on his own without any accompanying votes, leaving him vulnerable to any shift in the thread overmeta (and with a case such as the previous paragraph available). Given that Tps' role is unrevealed, and because there's not really a counterclaim possibility in this format, the potential hider/doctor-jailkeeper dichotomy would make both blues surviving at least plausible the first night.

If Tps is telling the truth, things are more complicated. TTTT necessitates the inclusion of a serial killer, which is...odd. (It's worth noting that Tps can't be the SK, since TTTT requires an additional blue, and everyone else has claimed vanilla). If there is a SK, then we have to assume they either accidentally or deliberately didn't shoot the first two nights, or that Tps has a defensive power (hider/jailkeeper/doctor--can't be a commuter because that requires the existence of both a hider and a 1-shot commuter) which stymied a kill by either wolves or SK. Bluntly, there has been only one kill each night, which would mean even assuming the SK used up a vest, SK or wolves would have had to have misfired due to Tps' defensive powers twice.

We're thus left with the scenario that the SK was waiting in the shadows (I don't buy inactivity, since everyone has been relatively active other than Tps, and while he can be a wolf, he can't be a serial killer), or that three separate kill actions failed in a game that might not even have a single protective power.

The only other possible explanation for the night result is that Tps is a Vigilante and shot Freezin--and that simply doesn't work. RRKTTTT gives us a SK (and the extra shot per night that assumes), while also suggesting that town-Tps shot Freezin despite Freezin's claim apparently syncing with his knowledge of the game state (the now proven false RRKKTTT, which seemed likely yesterday given the assumed lack of an SK).


Therefore, we're left with two possibilities.

1. Tps is a wolf. All other remaining players are town.

2. Tps is a town power role. Of the other remaining players, one is a wolf and one is a serial killer.

Assuming (2.), all living player interactions are out the window as far as worldbuilding goes. There are no anti-town allies remaining; the wolf and SK would oppose each other, and wouldn't know who the other is anyway. However, past interactions with and from both Xiz and Freezin are still relevant.
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