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Old 08-24-2018, 03:00 AM   #26
FFR Simfile Author
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Default Re: VISA/Mastercard blocks payment to Horowitz Center because of SPLC

Originally Posted by choof View Post
something someyhi g slipery slope falachie
that's a fair criticism to make, because I know where you are coming from

but the slippery slope fallacy is causal, not categorical. i.e. "if gays get married, then snakes will get married to people." the precedent does not allow for the cause of gay marriage --> snake marriage.

however, it is justifiable to say something like "if we accept that dwarf planets like pluto can be exploded by the Death Star for fun, it's not a stretch to explode the whole solar system" because the planet category can be stretched, it's not jumping from cause to cause.

here, "hate group" is vague, so anything can be defined as a hate group, or the category can be re-defined later on once the group defining it is no longer in power. muslim groups were targeted unfairly post-9/11, and black groups during the civil rights era, and so on. you cannot predict what group will be undesirable next and it is immensely arrogant to think you are invulnerable. (I don't mean you = choof, but you = hypothetical person.)

this is super dry and boring, but it's roughly how the fallacy works and it's the best I can do in a pinch.

Last edited by Arch0wl; 08-24-2018 at 03:04 AM..
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