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Old 07-19-2018, 10:06 PM   #6340
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Default Re: TWG CLXXIX: The Third FE Mystery Game Game Thread

Originally Posted by Precarious View Post
Fine, kill me then. You can kill FFA tomorrow, and tell yourselves "Oh, Prec did this and that, how could we have known?"

His argument is legitimately terrible.

Everything he says about himself and me applies equally in reverse. He even goes so far as to acknowledge that my best play--regardless of alignment--would be to make up a role. But that's fucking stupid. It's not. My best play as town is to tell the truth, because if someone lies, even after the fact, there will always be a what if. And given that I know both my alignment and role, saying nothing would be fucking stupid.

FFA's behavior is nowhere as innocent as it seems. Let's actually revisit the pre-ITA scenario, before I claimed. It's easy to town-read me when you know, and FFA knew. If the order is Prec-->FFA-->Freezin, then his goal is obvious. Let me die, then do everything to switch the narrative over to Freezin. Which jives well with his gamelong anti-blue crusade, despite the fact that trying to lynch blue claims in a vacuum is anti-town as hell.

"Let's kill Prec first, even though I think it's Freezin. That's the best order, killing me in the middle. Even though I think Freezin is lying. Because he's a blue claim. Since I don't have to worry about that yet."

Then I claim, and suddenly everything changes. "Oh no, Prec has revealed his role! I'm about to be killed. This is unfortunate, and my bullshit VT claim is suddenly a liability. I guess now PoE matters, even though it didn't when I wasn't on the block and could coast behind Prec!"

Then, suddenly, the otherwise aggressive, gives no fucks FFA is all about his survival.

And even before my claim

Although even a 15% chance is scary to him.

Even though he thinks Freezin is the wolf at this point. Because it's not about odds or information or resolution or optimal activity. It's about him surviving as long as possible.

So why were you okay with dying second, then? Especially when you figured Freezin was the JOAT? Because it was fucking convenient for you. It's easy to say someone you know is town is town, and then go, "look I was right all along. And Freezin's been awfully vague with his claim. Let's kill him!" And even if it doesn't work, at least you got me before you go down.

But then I claimed, and suddenly your scheme collapses. So you lie. Forget PoE a minute--as soon as I claimed, I was a threat to you, and your read changed. Think as if you were actually town for a minute. Blue has value--does it outweigh PoE? But it was never about that for you, it was simple survival, even if it meant lying. Which, incidentally, would have guaranteed Freezin--your original JOAT read--lasted the longest anyway. Because it was never about that.

So you made up a role. And that's the thing about making up a role, as opposed to actually having one. If you make up shit on the fly, you make mistakes. As you did. So I called you on it. You probably could have lied, some people were willing to take your side. But not everyone was, and you panicked.

"Sorry guys, I was just making it up so I could live. But really, Prec's the JOAT! Never mind the only thing that changed my opinion was the order of shots!"

But that's just it. His entire narrative jumps around to whatever is most useful for him at the time. Blues suck all game, until the ITA is looming, and he has the opportunity to at least take me out before he dies. Order should definitely have Freezin last.

When that's inconvenient? Kill blues all day every day!

Similarly, he was all against me taking the first shot, because, hey 15% is scary!

When the meta starts shifting against him, what happens?

He takes the first shot and shoots at me. Because that's what a wolf does.
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