Thread: Token Whore
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Old 06-11-2018, 09:48 PM   #19
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Default Re: Token Whore

Originally Posted by SK8R43 View Post
Its not in your argument because you know how retarded of a reason it is. Theres literally nothing wrong with anti skill tokens, they are fun as hell to try to get. The req for token whore is fine. no need to change it.
It's not in my argument because it was obviously irrelevant. I left it out because it's as biased argument regardless how strong I think it is. My stance is well known, I don't always regurgitate it.

Originally Posted by rushyrulz View Post
That's literally the only reason, and no the requirement should not change.
If any file in-game is to be a masterpiece, it should be a public file. I'd rather have a meme gated behind this requirement than an actually good file that less than 1% of the playerbase will ever get to experience.

Who remembers when Disappearance of Hatsune Miku was gated behind AAAing an FSO?

This change would definitely not be a quality of life change, even loosely speaking. It would completely uproot the current requirement, making it at least 10 to 20 times easier. Sure it's elitism at its finest, but people aren't required to go for these.. it is just a meme file after all.

Nostalgia plays no part in this at all. Earn the first 99 chronological skill tokens is the requirement and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Changing it to any 99 just changes a perfectly valid requirement to be easier for no reason at all, as there is nothing wrong with the current requirement.

If you can successfully explain why the current requirement for Token Whore is an unreasonable/malformed/defective/invalid/what-have-you requirement, you have a case. Otherwise, it's kinda like saying change Derby from 95 to 90 because 95 is an old number and it's time for change.


My final statement for this post on this topic will be this:
The first 99 tokens require a wide-range of requirements that require a player to have a broad and adaptive skill set. Changing the requirement to any 99 STs does not guarantee this broad skill set (for example, using the any-99 model, a player could get the token having never AAA'd a song). Because of this, I think the token is fine the way it is. Nerfing valid token requirements doesn't help the game (or hurt it, to be clear). Because of this, they should only be changed if their old requirements are no longer achievable because of bugfixes, feature replacements, etc.
1. The best files in the game are subjective. I'd still hold Twister is the best file in the game, or Teni, but TBH I can't enjoy one of those Cosmo files. They're lost on me no matter how goid they are.

2. Your example is a hypocracy. If it was originally gated behind an "FSO" AAA it should have stayed thrre as others to enjoy it had to unlock it first.

3. Quality of life changes uprooting old problems is that it is? See the Fiora rework in League as an example. We also removed Legacy files from ranks, should we have left them to torment players because people like Halogen had to do them for better ranks?

4. The difficulty can be reinterpreted as a tool to set goals rather than making it an ability checklist. Sure I CAN go get 250 averages on this song, or I can go AAA this easy file, or I can go AAA and get Heavy. I'd think the change makes it easier yes. But it doesn't need to be that hard just because it's been done by others in past.

Also, I understand your sentiment in the end of your post, but I'd argue it should have never been what it is in the first place. But I dunno if 100 was intended to be the max so I dunno.

Btw list format was to make it easier to type thru my phone.

Last edited by XelNya; 06-11-2018 at 09:49 PM..
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