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Old 05-29-2018, 09:13 PM   #7
lofty rhino
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Default Re: Lofty Minipack 4 [OPEN]

Batch 1 REVIEW

1000 Rounds (Tim)

Song choice has my neck hurting like the French Revolution. The intro with the single grey notes really fits the haunting atmosphere. The change to those BLOOD RED 4ths when the music becomes more prominent is a nice touch, as well. I love the “fly” patterns 32nd 432s transitioning into the 24th 432s they play great. Bouncy sections at 33.668 are fun as shit, too. At 60 seconds I might add a few mines, cause its really stripped down here. The verse starting at 64s <3 turned out really good. The verses add the variation needed to keep the structure from being too repetitive and drab.

Destruction Armageddon (AlexMandi)

I hate this song choice, but I like the file for a number of reasons.

1.The file reminds me of a well done HSMP file.
2.The PR is there in the slower 16th and 8th sections, and you manage to make some weird yet surprisingly playable FFResque 32nd bursts in the bursty sections (see 42.156)
3.It kills as a scoring file. I have no doubt in my mind that if people were going to whore a file for scores, this would be the one.

Nice attention to the music at 58.656 change in the 32nd patterning fits nicely
At 120s section I don't hear those 4th quads, and I'd like it if the quads were introduced in the section after (132.1). If you want to keep the mini jack idea, just change them to hands.
191.823 lmao, okay. Please remove all of the jacks in this section, because they are super cbrushable and no one will play your file.

Make those edits, and you're good to go.

Bailando (James May)

I'm a sucker for anything with a Latin flare. Love the bursts (for the most part, you have always had a good sense for patterning fast shit), love the way you thoughtfully structured the file. I think people will really enjoy playing this, and I'm sure it will be one of my most played. All that being said, I'd like you to tone down the bursts from 61-64 just a tad. The intensity/spikiness is justified, to an extent, but in its current form it’s just too much, and it will scare people from playing through the rest of the file.

WOOKS (James May)

Got to say no to this one--It's a meme file, I don't like the song, and it's too repetitive for my taste.

Turtledoves (Civilization)

The intro needs to be cut; 12s is too long to have people wait.
Love the jump jack patterns that repeat throughout (18.923)
I don't like the one hand trills in the very beginning here. Try something new? Starting a file off like that usually doesn't go over well. I enjoy them at 26.466, though, when I feel like the music has picked up in momentum.
34.361- You have a good sense for playable polys, and it shows here
47.870-51.3- This is actually surprisingly fun in-game.
The chorus is quite enjoyable. I think you can accentuate the slight vocal pauses more than you did here, though. This is a criticism that could also be applied ad libitum throughout the entirety of the file. A dump is a dump, yeah, but you don't want to lose the sense that the player is playing the song they are listening to. Paying attention to where the vocals break will help create that effect.
The file also needs to be added to. Chart until the next verse, please.

An aside: Great gfx, and song choice will likely be the only one of its kind in the pack. Hipster rock from Brooklyn isn't so hip.
**James May and Ilya, I will get to your (other) files when I receive more submissions for batch 2.
Thank you all for your interest.

Last edited by lofty rhino; 06-13-2018 at 12:58 PM..
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