Thread: Geocaching???
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Old 04-8-2018, 01:15 PM   #44
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Default Re: Geocaching???

Originally Posted by Cavernio View Post
It's not stupid and not intellectually unengaging, that was my point.
i don't dispute that you didn't literally say what i interpreted you as meaning

that being said i had to read between the lines because your post was largely incoherent and unintelligible

i don't know in what universe anyone could glean that point from your words, and if you stand by what you said as a legitimate means of communicating that point then my point still stands

unless that was intended, and the fact that nobody else seems to be able to decipher your message or understand it in anyway such as to comment on it in either defense or condemnation was by design, in which case, kudos

i also disagree with the quoted assertion (obviously), like i said before, i don't see how following a path to a blinking light on your phone to find some object(s) placed by someone else who did the same thing can possibly be intellectually engaging, or more importantly, have any functional purpose other than wasting time or validating the time of the person who came before you, which is equally as stupid

i mean i could sit here and say that peeling discarded gum off the bottom of a table at a mcdonalds and reusing it isnt stupid or intellectually unengaging but those words wouldn't have any weight because no matter how you look at it objectively it is an incredibly stupid way to spend your time, irrespective of whether or not you enjoy it

Last edited by PrawnSkunk; 04-8-2018 at 07:38 PM.. Reason: removed insulting word
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