Thread: Geocaching???
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Old 04-8-2018, 01:09 PM   #43
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: Geocaching???

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
i dont see how trekking to a predefined location to find condoms in various states of use can be considered more fun and/or equivalently juvenile to refining our understanding of something like the expanse and depth of the mayan civilization
I didn't call geocaching 'more fun' or 'juvenile'. Nor did I say that studying the mayans is 'more fun' or 'intellectual'. That was alllll you.

if you think misconceptions about previous civilizations negate the entire purpose of the field of archaeology and that attempting to understand the arc of human history is an exercise that exists only to feed ones own ego then really i dont know what to say other than you are as stupid as your defense of geocaching
It's just that the misconceptions about the past are based on our current perceptions. We can't even sort that out IN THE PRESENT.

But, actually, it's -not very hard- to understand the cycle of the growth and fall of civilization. It's just another one of the cycles of existence. Another one of the layers. It follows a pattern, like a human's life follows a pattern, like evolution follows patterns.

like holy shit the more i read your post the more i cant imagine how you can defend your own continued existence
well that' interesting and entirely off-topic discussion that you would, ummm, wouldn't be on board with it it seems.

your own logic if you cannot know everything in totality, if there is even a speck of doubt in any of your beliefs or understanding of anything, then your existence is an irresponsible abuse of the human mind masking ignorance with "nicheness" and you should just kill yourself
I didn't say that there is no purpose to either geocaching or archaeology. Your interpretation is that I implied that. I did not.

like really there are a dozen alternative avenues of defense for doing something stupid and intellectually non-engaging but you managed to pick the one where you attack an important established academic field as being stupid, pointless, and fake

It's not stupid and not intellectually unengaging, that was my point. I picked this topic specifically because specifically you broached the subject.


I have a -very strange view of life- these days

I have a LOT of logic inside my head though.

Last edited by Cavernio; 04-8-2018 at 01:12 PM..
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