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Old 03-4-2018, 10:23 AM   #9
FFR Player
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Default Re: Charts For X Girlz (Release)

Very rough reviews of files that were typed up fairly quickly because I'm about to go out.

I play using Cmod so any "sv" (I'm.. assuming SV is basically xmod stuff? I don't play osu so I wouldn't really know) stuff is kinda missed on me. If charts have any - It could add to the experience. I can't play Xmod files though because I'm bad, so I'll review the file itself. But keep that in mind when reading this. As I may be missing crucial reasons to play files if they do have xmod gimmicks in.

Also - played cold. No warmup going in - may have been a bad idea but I didn't have much time.

Will say off the bat, GFX are nice.

C18H27NO3 - This file is practically unplayable for anyone who doesn't like jumptrilling patterns. Or at least, its playable, but not valid as a scoring file (which is what it feels like you were going for. Correct me if I'm wrong). Near the end there were some 32nd rolls that weren't going to anything whatsoever that felt horribly out of place, and some of the transitions had 32nd minijacks in them that essentially acts as a CBtrap. On top of that, the file was super bursty in that the first 1/3 was super easy and the patterning never got much more advanced than "rolly 32nd jumptrillable streams" "some 16th js" "8th js". If you don't mind manip you could probably find some enjoyment out of the file but I wouldn't say it would be worth it in the long run. Consistency was all over the place, but the song kind of justified that.

Corpse Party - This file is miles above the last one in terms of enjoy-ability. I actually enjoyed the chordjacks in this because >chordjack<, but I will stress that when stepping chordjacks, you have to be careful of anchors. Some of the anchors in this file royally fucked me and I can imagine it doing the same to many people. On top of that, the chart overall seemed... super super spiky? The song does justify that again, and the actual patterning in this is a lot cleaner than the last file. I have to address the thing that mostly bothered me though. The ghost-notes are insane in this. You have 16th js when there's... literally silence. And for the 12th chordjack section too. Chordjacks are one of the most auditory reliant patterning in the game (In my opinion) so having it stepped to.. silence. Is kinda weird? It feels really weird to play. Overall though this is a chart I would replay sometime in the future, if it was a fair bit more consistent. Sync is off.

Cyclamen Purpurascens - This file was actually fun for the most part. I can enjoy a nice consistent chordjack chart. Ghost noting again though. I can see why people wouldn't enjoy the chordjacks because of the inconsistent hand placement, but I actually liked it. The issue I have is the handstream. I'm bias in this regard because I really don't enjoy Icy's handstream patterning (which is... pretty much what you put in here for the dense parts), but the rolly sections of the handstream were somewhat fun. Main issue is the fact the handstream... is a really, really, really nasty spike compared to the chordjack and the rest of the chart. So far (out of the 3 I've played) this is the best in the pack. Would be way better without the handstream.

Hell for Frandle - I'll be honest. I'm not gonna write a proper review for this file because I couldn't' bring myself to finish it. The jacks felt... really badly placed for what I did play though. Really awkward to hit, it has LN patterning which.. may? have been fun but I personally hate LN stuff. I just don't enjoy split jumptrill transitions at all either. Not going to give a score for this file though - since I didn't play the entire thing, and as such, take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.

Intro (From the X) - Honestly felt like you copy and pasted patterns here. It works as a file, but not something I'd go back to. Was consistent at least.

Ofcourse you Need and NEed and neEd and neeD and NEED ME?- Actually, outside of a few parts, this was really fun. I do have to mention ghost noting again, but honestly the patterns for the chordjacks here were pretty MA-focused so I can somewhat forgive it. The js at the end is horribly out of place though, and there was a few sections where patterning and transitions were off. Still probably the best file in the pack so far.

PARTY HARD - Jumpstream. I'm... really not the person to talk about jumpstream files. What I can say is this is... seriously boring. I got horribly bored playing this, don't know enough about js patterning to see why (Maybe someone else can let me know), but I was severely bored during this chart. Also felt like it had spikes of density that weren't really justified, but I might've just been fucking up myself.

Sacrifice for Justice - I was suppose to jumptrill this wasn't I? That ending is absurd. Seriously, I'm a fan of climax theory and stuff, and can get on-board with spiky endings. But that was actually stupidly hard compared to the rest of the chart. Also had awkward jacks, inconsistent patterning in places and a somewhat interesting 32nd.. chordjacks? part. idk it was weird, kinda cute though. I AM MAD YOU DIDN'T STEP THE PIANO

squake - Again, same as Hell for Flandle. Didn't play the entire song, so take this feedback with a grain of salt. Those jacks were horribly awkward to hit, and the rest of the chart outside of the jacks was too easy to justify the jacks. Not much else I can say about it since I didn't play too much. The jacks put me off.

Subterranean Spiral - Okay. Let's get something straight. It's not fun to end a file on super super dense js/hs when it hasn't had it for the entire file. In fact it just ruins the file (In my opinion). This file was a Severe disappointment for me especially because it's an arrange of my favourite touhou theme. Also, your long-note placements were WAY too plentiful. I did not enjoy this file in the slightest. I can imagine someone enjoying it who can deal with the super spike at the end, but I did not.

Transciever FX - Okay. No. That ending is not okay. The patterning in this was changing despite no clea change to the rhythm? I know it was going to the background noise, but that background noise becomes less and less apparent on rates, so on high rates I can imagine players not being able to hear what it's going to clearly at all. Also, this felt horribly off sync. May have just been me, but it felt way off sync.

Again, very rough but I felt like after writing such a shitshow of a post earlier - I needed to at least make up for it and try write something coherent.

EDIT: Songs in stepmania are called "files" or "charts". Not "maps"

Last edited by DourGent; 03-4-2018 at 02:41 PM..
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