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Old 12-1-2017, 10:14 AM   #40
the Haku
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Default Re: Do you have a religion?

I'm Christian.

I personally consider religion a mentality at this point and time.

I'm not going to tell you guys that God exist etc.
I'm just going to say that "I want to believe" it is the case.

I hope you see the subtlety.
It's an ideals vs reality thematic.

If I had to take a stance, I would say that religion is outdated.
That it needs to find its place in modern society.

I don't think religion should cease to exist, but I feel like philosophy should become the next big thing in early education.
Once you've been introduced to philosophy to the point where you can start arguing instead of just presenting an opinion; I believe this is when and only when religion should be introduced.

Well, that probably raise the question; "If you have your own interpretation of religion, are you still religious or you're no longer the real thing ?"
Is religion a box that has to fit a pile of expectations ?
Why did they change the old Testament to a new one ?

I'm simply not up to date anymore with where religion is now, but I feel like the questions people tend to have comes in conflict with what religion itself is supposed to be.
May legit need an expert here or some research before getting deeper in that topic.
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