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Old 12-1-2017, 08:03 AM   #39
The Dominator
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Default Re: Do you have a religion?

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
I think this perspective comes from viewing God as a very personified entity who controls the universe as one would control a modded Sims 3 program.

I feel as though he's a little more of an hands-off intelligent energy wisp then that. Chances are, wars are started by greedy fuckasses who don't follow his teachings (even if they say they are COUGHCRUSADESCOUGHWEEZ)

Why would God choose to reveal himself, delegate prophets, bestow divine wisdom etc. to an illiterate part of the Middle East a mere 2000 years ago when it's been shown through evidence humans have been around for over 100,000 years? He sat idly by watching humanity suffer through terrible predation and average life expectancies of 20-25 years for literally THOUSANDS of years and then one day said, "hey guys I'm here sry computer took forever to boot up everything's fine tho lol"

The concept of a deity or the supernatural to explain things yet explained by science can give you a warm fuzzy feeling and that is harmless so long as this remains a personal truth.

I don't have a religion (if you can't already tell) because as many others have said there is no compelling evidence to suggest a God exists. Making the argument that a form of existence or reality needs a creator is a circular one because you would need someone to create the creator and so on; it has no logical conclusion or end point. The only thing I can rationalize is a continuum of sorts which is really not much different than the concept of a multiverse. Even granting that there was a creator they would be a slave to causality from the previous creator and so on.

Last edited by Dynam0; 12-1-2017 at 08:05 AM..
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