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Old 11-15-2017, 02:37 AM   #19
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Default Re: Does one average not let you have an FC?

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
Now with so much scoring done off raw score, there's not even a good reason to count FCs as a stat.
I disagree.

FCing is the first major goal (aside from passing) a large quantity of players gravitate to. The concept of full comboing didn't originate from FFR, nor is FFR the most prominent example of a game including it as an objective. So while, it may actually be meaningless when it comes to scoring in this particular game, I think it should still hold some significance by at least being recognized. Because of this, removing FCs entirely from the game wouldn't induce an out of sight, out of mind effect, but instead make it feel like something is missing, even though FCs really do have absolutely no significance outside of token unlocks in this game anymore.

When you grind away at a song for 30 minutes trying your hardest to hit every note without missing, finally get it, but notice the game didn't give you the two bold, green letters next to the title in song select that you were after simply because you got 3 goods too many on the FC run, it feels unfair and like you've been cheated. I've been a noob, you've been a noob, we've all been noobs and know the feeling of satisfaction from achieving a goal like this, however small, and yes, insignificant. (My grind it til' you get it song was Beethoven Virus btw, and it took a LOT longer than 30 minutes...).

I've been advocating for 'the FC flag' for years now, and it never has gotten off the ground. I don't think it would be hard to implement (since flags for FC, SDG, AAA, etc are already implemented, and a change in how these are reported/recorded would probably be all that is necessary), and it would only help the game, or at least not hurt it. If not for anything else, but to prevent the countless number of threads like these that have come up in the past from continuing to appear in the future.


Originally Posted by devonin View Post
For the VAST majority of users, an SDG is basically the same as a AAA.

The level at which an SDG is like...-very- different from a AAA is very high and very small.
And it is the players outside of this small window that care about FCing above all else. Being a frequent viewer of newer players' livestreams, full comboing is a very prominent topic.

EDIT: tl;dr: A lot of people truly care about FCing as an objective in this game and others like it, so removing them as a stat probably isn't in our best interest.

Last edited by rushyrulz; 11-15-2017 at 02:45 AM..
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