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Old 11-7-2017, 02:09 AM   #12
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Default Re: not a single review done

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie View Post
pretty standard shoegaze, some chords definitely sound very VERY mbv inspired. there were a few spots where I was immediately reminded of loveless. which I suppose isn't a terrible thing, since loveless is really good and these guys do shoegaze really well. what I do like is that the vocals aren't coated in effects most of the times, it's actually pretty easy to discern what he's singing.
Redder is a notable track imo, the vocals aren't discernable but the track is super upbeat and much faster than anything else on the album... I think. the unfortunate thing about bands who borrow heavily from other shoegaze bands is that they eventually just sound like a mishmash of their contemporaries. which again, isn't a bad thing, especially if you just love the vibe of shoegaze and dream pop and associated styles that use the hazy, distorted formula. but it ultimately leaves the album sounding like background, mood music. but hey, at least this is good.

I will definitely be listening to this again though, because it's free (technically pay what you want). that's pretty great! this doesn't sound at all like a hobbyist band, it does the shoegaze aesthetic well enough.

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