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Old 10-18-2017, 05:52 AM   #584
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Default Re: 365 Reviews Done

Day 410: Luv Is Rage 2 by Lil Uzi Vert (Album Choice: I actually forget specifically who, most people told me this was ass)

Aight choof I swear I'll do yours next. But this one has been waiting far too damn long. I like XO Tour Llife because the lyrics speak to me on a base emotional level. I don't really care about this guy outside of that, but he has at least a few catchy (if overplayed) tracks like Ps and Qs. Fun enough on the dance floor I say, as long as the dance floor isn't full of boring white people. Can't see how this is gonna translate to an hour long album, though...

Dude, I'm writing this at 6AM after pulling an all-nighter writing an essay I failed to write during the majority of the day. Or the majority of the week. WHY CAN'T I FOCUS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BRAIN? I'm glad I'm surviving college with a decent GPA (One whole point higher than high school! Fuck you BLS) but my body is screaming at me and I've been getting cluster headaches now and ahhh fuck.

This is rather sing-songy, which I expected. I generally prefer my trap a little more on the aggressive side, the kinda shit you can watch some jackass slam his face into a minibar to, but I'm not gonna dock for that, especially considering how many trap rappers out there completely ignore the potential virtues of melodic vocals. For Real is the first noticeable banger, and it's still kinda tame TBH. I'm not really sure I should look to this guy for hard-hitters anyways, and that's getting clearer and clearer as Neon Guts and Feelings Mutual were both significantly better songs anyways. Also I'm not reading the lyrics as the little I can decipher severely disappoints me after the literary genius of that push me to the edge song. (Did you know his dead friends is referring to the fact that all the presidents are dead, and his only friend is his money?!)

And it's after this point that I got incredibly bored by this album. Seriously, this guy is so fucking samey, there's really no need for a goddamn hour long album. I had the same problem with Lil Boat, but that had much better peaks than this shit (minus the last track, which, yes, shits all over everything on that mixtape I'm that edgy). Worse yet, minus one point for including the cheese sleaze of The Weeknd on here. I know I mentioned the potential benefits of melodic vocals, and yeah that dude can sing, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT I cannot listen to him without feeling like I'm being sexually harassed by some sweaty, moderately overweight dude in a white T-shirt that smells like smegma buildup.

It's now nearly 7AM, and I'm still not finished with this essay, 3 hours to go but I have to take a shower, brush my teeth, head to one 8AM class (I can write in there) then print this out before 10AM. I'm sure I can do all that, but damn I hate having even small responsibilities, and I'm more well-adjusted to this scenario than a fuckton of these suburban-ass pussies out here. That's not bragging, that's me crying for help. Somebody please get a bunch of city kids in here I'm dying surrounded by the whiteness. This is why I wanna improve public school districts, to help inner-city youth (yeah that term totally isn't subtly racist, but hey I'm including any city kids) and make these schools significantly more lit (okay, that was totally based in stereotype but fuck you it's true) because I'm sick of white frats throwing gross cramped parties with no dancing that end at 130AM because the cops got called by someone with a bitten ear. I wanna dance not fight.

I am never actively listening to this album in full again. 3 or 4 good songs on a fucking hour long piece of garbage, totally not worth my time.

Best Track: The one I mentioned earlier man. The last track.
Rating: 3/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

Hey, we need some users on this site. Please join.

And if you have not recommended any albums yet, do so. Please. I have a goal to reach. Here.
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