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Old 07-9-2017, 11:11 PM   #100
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Default Re: Stepping Stones 4

Originally Posted by Kraezymann View Post
Airport Lady - Hard was fun, Challenge was a bit tough, but not bad at all. I think they need to be balanced out a bit with an easier chart with a bit less handstream in there. Do that and we good to go. Accepted pending an easier chart

Tick Tock - I think you did a really, REALLY good job with EZ (and HD), but Challenge was a bit too tough. I'd say take out Medium and Challenge, and add a slightly easier chart and it's a REALLY fun addition to the pack. Accepted pending an easier chart

HARD - Only one chart. Another tough submission from you lol

Seaside Labyrinth - classic bmah file to some sweet 80's style funky beats. The ending in all of the charts are so fun to play its almost spooky. The challenge chart especially is a really excellent technical chart that I think people will find fun to try to time right. Accepted!

Ishukan Communication - anime files SIGHHHHHHH but this is unfair because its actually fun to play EXCEPT for that [24][23] thing at 39.139s in the easy chart. Any way to make that thing a bit more manageable? Other spots in that chart (ie around the 11s mark) are forgivable, but not that one. Otherwise like I said, unfairly fun to play Accepted AFTER YOU FIX THAT ONE JUMP

Hold it Down - Fairly classic schintilll technical file. Hard is a pretty clever technical chart that should be fairly accessible to everyone that really flows well with the song. Accepted.

Huge Upside Down Squirrel - Medium is good to learn how the song goes, then Hard will assault you with the crazy shit... it gets real tough real fast, but still within the realm of possibility of casual/somewhat experienced players. Most experienced players will probably enjoy trying to combo this one.

No Trust, Walk Alone - I'm gonna have to say to no to this one. Unfortunately it is a pretty boring file, but the fault isn't yours, its the songs. It's tough to make a song like that any more interesting than 8th notes with the occasional 16th burst. Having said that, don't be discouraged with the result. If this is really your first file, then you have a lot of the basics all figured out, which is great to see. Its a bit of a dull song, which unfortunately makes for a dull chart
I'll fix it soon and shoot it in.

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