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Old 06-4-2017, 12:01 AM   #7
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Default Re: porkypink's Anime Pack I [open submission]

Sorry was abit late


- This plays extremely well, I was worried about some parts but turned out fine. Also there were some very cool patterns I gotta take note of especially in the first half.
Other than that as I said the rest plays real nice even with some poly rythyms, its cool u can pull that off.
On that note, theres two things Id like to address.

One: the very beginning @4.931
It kinda feels lacking here, I'd like to see the jumps that were following the melody in that stream all the way even in the 24th stream.

theres like one crash you didnt add Im guessing because its not necessarily as loud as the other ones but I'd like to see a jump here some how without making it too hard. You might have to rearrange the 16th jumpjacks you have before it or the 32nd stream below.

Other than that looks good to me as far as playing it on 0.9x might find some more stuff as I keep playing, otherwise nice work.

Also, I think I can make a non-dump chart. But if you were able to make it that helps.

- Needs non-Dump chart

Kimi wo Mamoritai

Overall the chart plays smoothly well, however can use quite a few polishing. It seems like you are going back and forth with what you are trying to layer which comes out to be and feel very inconsistent.

@10.380 - Jump here going to nothing. It could be following the echo but I don't advise you layer the echo the same way you are layering the main vocal. Remove it.

@15.630 - Although this is fun to play its not what I would personally like to see, or to be blunt, how I would chart this section. The measure where this starts (14.344), there is a stronger hi-hat sound that kicks in offering some interesting stuff. Right here there is a trill going on tht could also be stepped as a two note jacks. But you didnt really follow this entirely so this note is totally optional.

@19.702 - Not necessarily suppose to be jumps here but I like what you did here.

@22.059 - Heres where things start getting really fishy. The way you layer identical phrases changes within the measures. here you have the bassline layered as hands. But each time this phrase reoccurs you have it stepped in a different way.

Not a fan of mini freezes overlapping closer than 12ths. Not to mention, it looks very inconsistent with what you are following with them. Either take them all off or do what you did @26.13 / 26.344 and just keep the ones at the end of a stream segment.

Try to revisit 22-28 with a concert layering of what you want to follow/ I could go over in more detail on discord.

@28.202 - missing an opportunity of a vocal hitting on the 24th right here. It seems tho you purposely didnt want to chart it.

Also here again, mini freezes are confusing as to what they are following. Part of me wants to say bassline but then again there are other parts that I thought should have a mini freeze dont have it.

@28.702 - missing jump following the vocal + bassline.

@29.023 - missing vocal note. I think you snapped at on the following 8th note which needs to be changed as a single note among adding this note.

@29.237 - missing jump following the vocal + bassline.

@31.594 - the vocal note I mentioned earlier that hits on the 24th applies to here too.

@32.487 - I don't know what these 12th jumps are going to. The vocal note snaps on the 16th just as every other did.

@34.702 - missing jump following bassline + vocal.

@35.773 - Patterning changes again and now you introduce jumpjacks which I actually would love to see a version where you use this more consistently. But since the majority of the chart are offsetted jumps it would require a overhaul to consider stepping this way, so unfortunately, change this.

@36.523 - Missing vocal

@39.952 - Jump on this 16th is not warranted.

@41.773 - The usage of mini jacks and layering of kicks are inconsistent please revisit this section.

@56.023 - This 16th and the one after I believe are followign the vocal but they arn't real vocal notes. It is interesting that you caught on to it and I dig it but this whole part doesnt warrant to be patterned as a one hand trill. loosen up the pattern here like how you did with rest of the following mini-jumpstreams. Or You could be a rebel and do the complete opposite and make them all trills following the PR.

@64.594 - missing hi-hat

@68.130 - Change this note to a 3 or a 4. Just because of this single note you created a long ass anchor that isnt warranted.

@69.202~82.916 - Inconsistent usage of hands and jumps aswell as some missing notes in this section please revisit.

@83.130 - change to single note wrong layer.

Didn't really go in to everything but those were the key things. Everything else were nested within these and if it wasnt clear I can go over it if you don't find it.

- Needs fixes
le stepman blog
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