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Old 05-12-2017, 05:22 AM   #559
the Haku
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Default Re: TWG CLXVII Game Thread How Was Awakening Reviewed

I'm literally telling you that me being afk is beneficial for town because it creates an environment where the other players talk with players that aren't me.

I know that looks retarded on paper, but the truth is that the games will always be about me by default because I'm more often online here than the average.
The longer I live as town, the more wolves have content by me to hide.

It's breaking the balance in terms of info and it's just making content about be about "haku vs player A, haku vs player B and haku vs player C etc.".

If I don't bring new content, it's like I'm giving too much leeway for the wolf team to be able to just do nothing and wait until something dumb happens.
It happens all the time if you've been attentive to my games to the point that I'm surprised I'm not getting told to talk less and do more quality posts instead.

Oh wait- I've been told exactly that in WiFoM.

Point is that I should be the exception with activity unless I believe I have something relevant to contribute to the progress of the game directly.
Random chatter doesn't change much.
You won't see someone like Roundbox reach 200 posts D0 with 90% of random pushes on players. He's just going to sit back and analyze players one by one.

I can't do this most of the time because I'm usually constantly busy answering things that are not particularly important and it's hurting me.
It's also hurting town because they have to filter what's important in my posts from what is not and that's boring.

#lol rant
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