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Old 05-4-2017, 05:20 PM   #558
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Default Re: 365 Reviews Done

Day 385: Metaphysics by Duncan Avoid (Album Choice: choof)

I always go to choofboy when I need some bleep bloops. And I need them BAD right now because fuck finals. I wish I could live life as a potato sack. Except I'm doing that in college right now pretty much, out here in bumfuck nowhere farmtown. Man, it's boring here, but when I was in Boston it was basically nothing but nonstop bullshit drama or truly heinous injustice which clearly took a toll on my emotional health. I don't know how to live without drama, and as a result of living in flames for years I do not know how to function as anything other than an emotionally repressed stoner. But it's not totally me! I mean, all anyone does out here is smoke weed and watch television and go to the trashiest, lamest parties I've ever seen. This was one of the top party schools? Are you effing kidding me? There's nothing but a bunch of beer pong, bad music and barbituate-laced drinks inside a stuffy room. Where are the wild house parties that create stories? And the parties here end at like 1AM, what the hell is this haven't you people watched How I Met Your Mother? Well, I didn't, only the first two seasons. That's actually a pretty decent show with the laugh track removed. Good shit doesn't happen until 2AM, bad shit starts at 4:30.

Okay, enough rambling for now. Back to the study. Again, fuck finals.

Attention Deficit Disorder... Heh heh, it's funny that this song seems to fit me to a tee. Or is it T? I can never remember. Longest track on the album, and not a total bore! For a genre made up entirely of robotic seizure noises that's amazing. There's a lot of time signature and structural fun to be found in here against the aural assault, making this rewarding even when listened to passively. And some of these songs (S.H.I.F.I, Auditory Arms) are even catchy or groovy in their own weird ways, that or good rhythms pop up throughout the splatterpaint mess by chance. Either way, this is a pretty good release, but like half of the things I review it suffers from being too long. That, or it's too tonally homogenous. One or the other. I can get down to a colder atmosphere, but it can get boring for a full hour (this is coming from someone who's dream wedding song is Boy/Girl Song). Will return, because fuck finals.

Best Track: Attention Deficit Disorder
Rating: 7/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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