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Old 03-21-2017, 08:26 AM   #79
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Shape of My Heart (Scintill) - When I looked at this initially in the editor I had some reservations about the file, mostly involving some pattern use and the decision to not cut the file. After playing it some of those concerns have been dissipated. You captured the delicate nature of the song well and this is a welcome departure in pacing/feel both chart and music-wise from the rest of the submissions thus far. That being said there are still a couple of concerns I have regarding some patterns and in general the need for a little bit of pattern variation.

The pair of 48th minijacks at around 32s are jarring and should be removed or repatterned (into triplets?). It doesn't play well to introduce the jack tension so early into the song. The repeated 11222333444 jack patterns become onerous- particularly at 115/120 when they appear in relatively quick succession. Personally I would mirror every other occurrence however if you want to keep the ascending PR of the vocals I would look for an alternative means to represent them (short trills that ascend is the obvious candidate?). After playing the file I think not cutting the latter third/outro is the correct approach, ending shortly after the climax would rob the chart of the sense of closure that the ending affords, however, and this is fairly tricky given the structure of the file and the consistency of the lyrics of the last verse with the rest of the song, I would like to see moderate to significant pattern variation after 220s. Whether this involves some clever use of mirror and slight shifts of notes across columns or full repatterning is up to you, however there should be no sections of the ending/outro that are immediately recognizable from earlier segments of the chart. I tend to think of longer charts as journeys and I like my journeys to end anywhere but where they started. I would also advise looking towards adding some other pattern variation throughout the file however this is not a critical component of review. This file is at the top of the pool for both neon and I and critical fixes would push it into the green zone. "just let him know its good" - neon

Ignite (Fanta) - This file has remained unchanged since you sent it to me initially a long time ago and my comments on it are pretty much exactly the same. I still think this is easily your best file and the song choice is great for the buildup. I also still think there are occasional gross errors in pattern judgment that detract greatly from the file. It'll actually be much easier for me to make the fixes and then send them to you rather than the reverse so that's what I propose, if you want to make fixes on your own I can give you a detailed list of the problematic areas and you can submit fixes. You get a blue stamp conditional upon fixes irrespective of where they come from (assuming they you know, are fixes and don't make things worse somehow).

Now Loading (MourningFall) - Aside from a few odd sections there isn't too much wrong with this objectively as a chart. There are some really cool and interesting patterns, and I especially like the section that starts at 46s. Unfortunately it falls into a number of "not really what we were looking for" categories, most notably the "stepmanias musics" category and the "not really a dump" category. I actually think you could get pretty far with this doing a dumpy/technical hybrid file but I don't know that it would be enough for a resubmission and I wouldn't engage in any serious attempt at one unless you really want to. I think you'd get much more mileage out of your work to date submitting this to another pack for which it is better suited. You'll have a better chance of acceptance with less effort, and more importantly you'll get (I should hope) useful feedback that focuses on and adheres to more traditional charting methods. Also whatever you do cut the ending, it looks hilarious in the editor but I mean come on, really?

Sleepwalking (Phil x Soul) - You've got the right idea about the right idea, but at the risk of sounding any more pretentious than I already do, you've got to clear another conceptual hurdle before you really "get" it. I don't really know how to succinctly provide direct feedback in this area, so before I get too far into it I'll say that you can resubmit this with some key changes that show you understand what I'm saying and this has a high chance of getting pooled.

The dump file continuum ranges from "more or less technically correct only there are 32nds instead of 16ths in some places" (most hi19 dumps exist on this end) to "batshit freeform that tries to convey the subject matter of the music via patterning rather than the actual music" (traintrack theory in orange blossom special). Good and bad dumps exist at every point on the continuum, but what you have here exists too far outside the continuum. Put simply, it's "too technical". If this is a collab between you and another person I should be able to see visible signs of distinct styles and character, but I can't. If I had to take a guess the chart was split half and half, but that would be based solely on minor variation in 32nd patterning.

Files on the "more or less technical" side of the spectrum tend to lend themselves to approachable scoring files, and this is appropriate for the song and for your charting style, but you need to break away from the technical charting mentality just a little more. The only difference between the instrumental introduction and the point at which vocals kick in are more prominent freezes on 4/8/16ths at the onset of individual words. Then you graduate to 32nds almost immediately forming an abrupt transition of patterning that doesn't make sense given the musical gradation of instrumentals->instrumentals with low intensity vocals->instrumentals with higher intensity vocals. There are like a half dozen patterns involving just 24ths that would be more interesting and provide a better transition into the 32nds. The only hint of creativity in the file are the two 48th freeze notes near the 90s mark which, given the file as it is, feel more out of place than anything else. The vocals at 95s/100s stand out and should have much more interesting (sweeping left/right patterns?) that follow them more closely rather than being ignored. You need to spend a little more time picking out the interesting elements of the song that rise above the background and highlight them. The song doesn't give you much opportunity to do this, but that's what makes doing it that much more important. The 32nds at the start are so much easier than other parts of the file, take a little time to insert some flair into them. You don't need to go overboard, but do more than leave half the file as filler. If anything you mostly need to stop representing vocals with freezes. That might work in osumania but in sm it's either unnoticeable or uninteresting.

All that being said this file is, to your/phils credit, actually pretty fun. There are some awkward patterns in the harder sections that can be ironed out but otherwise it functions fairly well as a scoring file. I don't care at all for the song and I won't hold that against you if you resubmit, but you need to show me some originality and creativity if you do. Don't fundamentally change the file, reshape the less interesting sections enough to charm me. Don't give me what you think I want to see, give me what you see. Just look a little harder.

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 03-21-2017 at 11:30 AM..
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